Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Living Water

On Sunday, our Awesome Kids learnt about the metaphor comparing Jesus to living water. 

We talked about having a 'thirst for God' and Jesus quenching that thirst. 

We made some purple footprints for Lent, with the words "...on a journey with God" or "...following in God's way" or "...following Jesus". We stuck them on the wall of the gallery. Follow them down the hallway and into the church!

Water music was a really fun way to celebrate Jesus as our Living Water. Yoshua and Izak created some awesome tunes using glasses filled with water and tapping them with teaspoons.

Afterwards, we enjoyed a watery dessert... JELLY! Hopefully we will all remember to go out into the world and share the living water, the love of Jesus, with everyone we meet.

Thanks to MaTCH for the video :o)

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Blessing of the Backpacks

 Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Blessing of the Backpacks and our first Awesome Time of 2025.