Sunday, 22 March 2020

Digital Awesome Time! D.A.T. | Lockdown Edition #1

Hi there Awesome Kids!

Welcome to the first edition of D.A.T. = Digital Awesome Time!   

Today's D.A.T. is about seeing. But not just seeing with our eyes - but seeing with our hearts. We can think about seeing with our hearts in our thoughts and actions towards God and one another. If we only ever focus on ourselves, and our own wants and needs, it's hard to have a 'vision' or to see the needs of others. We might be able to look with our eyes, but it would be like we're 'blinded' to what God is doing, or to the things other people need.

Jesus sometimes said that people didn't see things clearly, even if they could see with their physical eyes. That's how some people missed out on Him and the awesome things He did. So let's keep our eyes open, spiritually and physically. Look around to know what others need. Keep our minds on God and what God wants us to do in our lives.

Here are some challenges for you. You might like to do just one, or you can do all of them. There will be a prize draw on Friday, so get your family involved and give it a go!

Today's story from the bible comes from John chapter 9, verses 1-41. 
Challenge #1: Read it with your family, and/or watch our video here:

Let us know what you think!

Here's a really cool video to watch, with questions afterwards. 

Challenge #2: Watch the video &
answer the questions at this link: CLICK HERE

The story from the bible reminded Carol of the concept of "ubuntu" - I am because we are. It is about our humanity and how we have common bonds with people within a group, which are more important than any individual person, argument or division within in. It means that people can disagree and debate, but because our relationships with each other are strong, we can work through things together. It's about putting others first, before yourself as a person. Sometimes this can be very hard to do and sometimes it's useful to have something contemplative to do when you are working things out. Creating a mandala can help. See challenge number three!

Mandalas were created in Asia by the Buddhists as early as the 4th century. Now they are created throughout the world. Carol's friend made an amazing mandala with flowers. Now you can too. 

Create a mandala, to symbolise our love for one another and humanity.
You could draw or paint a mandala Click here for instructions on how to draw a mandala.

Or you could make a mandala out of flowers...
or with something else from around the house - Lego perhaps, or stones, shells or cutlery!

Challenge #3: Take a photo of your mandala and email it to me. I will post it on the blog. There will be prizes for the most creative!

Watch the video from last Sunday, where Yoshua and Izak made music with glasses filled with water. 

Challenge #4: Create your own water-glass music, get your parent/caregiver to video it and send it to me! (Either email, or via Google Drive, Dropbox or Onedrive. I'll then put it on YouTube and link it to the blog. Or you can upload it to YouTube yourself and send me the link to share.)

Link to video: Living Water video

This is quite a cool picture story, which is all about seeing. Nobody seems to notice Brian, the invisible boy. No-one thinks to include him in their game, group, or invite him to their party. Until... a new kid comes to class.

Challenge #5: Watch the story above and answer this question:
Are there kids in your class, or at school, who you see as being treated as though they are invisible, like Brian was? What could you do to make them feel more valued and appreciated?

You could do just one of the challenges above, or all of them. Get the whole family involved - have fun and share the love and kindness!

Email your answers / photos / videos to me directly, or if you don't have my email address, click on the below link and I'll contact you.

Click HERE to contact Chapel Street Kids

Love and blessings,

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Blessing of the Backpacks

 Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Blessing of the Backpacks and our first Awesome Time of 2025.