Saturday 14 November 2020

Making Connections

 A few weeks ago, our Awesome Kids enjoyed games with Dave and Heather... as they explored what it means to be a friend. We were reminded that God is our friend - how wonderful to know that God, our friend, loves us and is always with us, no matter what.

Sunday 8 November 2020

Save the date! Christmas Service 13th December


Our Christmas Service on Sunday 13 December is led entirely by the children and youth from our parish and community. Make sure you mark this on your calendars now - you don't want to miss it!

Sunday 13 December
the Chapel Street Centre

a l l  w e l c o m e !

Say Something!

 Enjoy watching the video created by our tech experts, Livvie and Liam a few weeks back. 'Say Something' was inspired by the book of...