Sunday, 9 March 2014

Awesome Kids Quiz number 2

Congratulations to Jamie and Monica, who answered all the questions in last week's quiz on Papua New Guinea.

This week's challenge...

Sometimes we do hard things, for people we love just because we love them. For example, we might play a dumb game with a younger brother or sister just because he or she loves that game. Or, we might put a friend on our sports team, even though they are not very good at it.

Can you come up with an example of your own? Click on 'comments' and type in your entry, or email or phone me by 9am Friday. There will be prizes!


  1. If you and your brother go to the same school and your brother forgot to bring his lunch then you could give him some of your lunch. from Jamie

    1. Hi Jamie! That would be a very kind thing to do. A perfect example!

  2. If you are at a party and you have a dinosaur and everybody is supposed to have a dinosaur and if your friend's dinosaur breaks then you should give them your own one. from Dylan

    1. Dylan, that is another wonderful example - your friends are so lucky to have you. Well done!

  3. If there's only one chocolate chip cookie left on the plate, ask if anyone else would like it before you start scoffing it up! Monica

    1. Good one Monica. I'm pretty sure I would scoff it up :)

  4. Quinn said when Caleb is getting upset cause he wants to play with my lego but I'm building, I have to let him play so he doesn't cry

    1. Quinn, that must be a very hard thing to do - I bet it's annoying if he accidentally breaks something you've built too. You are a fantastic big brother Quinn!

  5. If someone is lonely go and sit next to them and make them feel better.

    1. Awesome Ella! I wish I had a friend like you when I was at school :o)

  6. Maybe when you offer to wash the dishes for your sister because you know she has an upcoming assessment which she needs to study for.
    #Berith#is#a#Saint :) :)


Blessing of the Backpacks

 Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Blessing of the Backpacks and our first Awesome Time of 2025.