Tuesday, 31 March 2020

More creativity!

Here is another vegetable character, this one from Sophia. And below, a mandala from one of our more 'experienced' Awesome Kids, Carol :o)  Some wonderful celebrations of Harvest Festival.

Sophia's vegetable person
Carol's mandala

Learn something new!

Bored? Why not learn something new?!

I have found it really interesting watching the sign language interpreters during Jacinda's addresses on T.V. (I have learnt two new signs in New Zealand Sign Language!)

Go to https://www.nzsl.nz/ and share your favourite 'sign' with us





Monday, 30 March 2020

The perfect day for a blanket house...

Our youth group members are currently working on their next photo challenge... to build a blanket house or box house, and take a picture of it.

I'm inviting all our Awesome Kids to also take up this challenge... it's a great day for blanket-house building!

Cooking with Dylan

Dylan made some marvellous meringues for his family. He even created this step by step video for you, so you can make them too! Watch out for the special guest, Bruce, in the video!

Sophia's Restaurant

Sophia treated her family to a beautiful home-cooked meal last night. She created a menu for each member of her family, made pizzas from scratch (including the bases!) and a delicious looking dessert to finish! Wow! 

Can I book a table at your restaurant Sophia, in say, four weeks or so?

Sophia's Menu

The chef, hard at work.

Hungry diners, waiting in anticipation!

Sunday, 29 March 2020

Vegetable Characters!

 Congratulations to the creators of our first vege characters! These are so cool!

From left to right we have...

1. Hanging in the window we have Tevunga's creation (named Pumpkin)
2. Also made by Tevunga, this one is called Ellie (and is sister to Pumpkin)!
3. This broccoli person is made by Peatalisa
5. I love the hairdo on Peatalisa's creation, named Rosanna
4. 'Emeline's creation is called 'Brian the Broccoli'!

And below, we have our first entry in the crayon art challenge... Sophia has drawn a Harvest Festival Platter, with all her favourite fruits!

Very impressive girls, now... what are you all cooking for dinner tonight? 😀

Drawing by Sophia

Saturday, 28 March 2020

D.A.T. #2 | Camp Service & Harvest Festival

Hi there Awesome Kids and Hot Chocolate Club! Welcome to this week's D.A.T. (Digital Awesome Time)!

Hope you are well and looking after one another.

This Sunday was supposed to be our Camp Service and Harvest Festival. So today we will celebrate both of those things, and there will be some challenges for you to do at home with your family - and the chance to be in to win prizes too!

Check out the video message below.

WATCH and listen to Mel read 'RED, A Crayon's Story', with a message from Rev Anne:

The crayon, ‘Red’ had pressure from every side to be something that he wasn’t. There were lots of tears, and lots of anxiety and lots of trying, but he couldn’t be what everybody wanted. And do you know, that each and every one of us is a bit like that.
God has made us in a special way and God says ‘you are beautifully and wonderfully made’ and you need to find out who the true and real you is inside, and to be that person, no matter what anybody else says, to remember that you are made and deeply loved by God, and to find out who God wants you to be and what God wants you to do.


Make a drawing or artwork using crayons. If you don't have crayons at home, pencils or felts are fine too.

Make an animal or character out of vegetables. Take a photo and email it to me.

Make a meal for your family. Take a photo, including the menu, and email it to me.

How much of the story can you remember? (You might have to go back and watch the video again).

From Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing by Sally Lloyd-Jones

When a riverboat needs to go up a hill, it navigates through a lock (which is basically a staircase for boats). The boat enters a sealed chamber. Gradually, the water level is raised, lifting the boat up, until the water inside is at the same level as the river ahead. The gates open and the boat continues on.

But from the boat entering the lock - you can't see the river ahead. It looks like a dead end!

And the Bible says we can't see everything God is doing in our lives either. But what looks like a dead end, is really God lifting you up. Because there are no dead ends with God. Only new beginnings in disguise.

I think this is really fitting at the moment. Lots of things have closed, we are 'locked in', we can't do many of the fun activities we are used to. It's hard to see the way ahead. But in this time of dead ends and closed doors... how about we look for new beginnings? There are so many awesome things starting up and people showing amazing creativity and kindness right now. Let's celebrate that, and let God lift us up and move us to take up a new challenge, be creative, show kindness and love to others. 

Love and blessings,

...and the WINNERS are...

Announcing the winners of the Digital Awesome Time Challenges for last week:

Well done to everyone who entered! It was pretty tough to judge... remember there are some new competitions out there for this week, so do give those a go.

CHYPS Photo Challenge | Letterbox Edition

CHYPS (Chapel Street Young People's YOUTH GROUP) have been having a Photo Challenge. The first challenge was to take a photo of something interesting on your letterbox.

We had some awesome entries... definitely some surprising objects appearing on top of letterboxes. I wonder what the neighbours thought?!

The winner of the inaugural CHYPS PHOTO CHALLENGE is...
B E L L A!

Bella created the perfect hideaway home for her Sylvanian Family toys in their letterbox!

More mandalas!

I love these mandalas, sent in by Carol, made by a friend of hers, Sophia. Thanks for sharing - they are beautiful!

Water Glass Music by Sophia

Awesome music from Sophia - even with vocals! A very original version of 'Here Comes the Sun' - great job, Sophia!

Friday, 27 March 2020

Anne's mandala

Thanks Anne, for sharing your stunning mandala. Did you make the cookies yourself, I wonder?

Anaya's mandala!

Check out this incredible mandala, created by Anaya, using rabbits, hatchimals and shoes!

Very creative!

FISH: Family Fun Night | Lockdown Edition No.1

Welcome to the online version of FISH! Grab your family members and get together for an 'at-home' family fun night!

Here are some games and challenges for you to try.

At camp, we searched for forks which had been hidden earlier by Dave and myself. You could try this at home. Take turns to hide a number of forks around the house, and give the rest of the family a time limit to try and find them. The person who finds the most gets to have a turn at hiding them next time.

Using a plastic fork (if you have one, or otherwise see if you're allowed to borrow one from the kitchen drawer), turn the fork into the character Forky from Toy Story. If you don't have googly eyes or pipe cleaners, you could make eyes and arms from paper. Be creative!

Email your photo of Forky to me and I'll post it to the blog. There will be a prize for the best Forky!

Here's a clip from the movie, introducing Forky:

Give your family a jumbled up word and see if they can figure out what it is. Here's one from me...

You can enter online by clicking on the jumbled letters below:

Separate your group into two even teams and have them stand in two separate lines facing the opposite group. 

1) The players at the opposite ends of each line are opponents. They will step out of the lines, so they are facing each other and looking down the middle of the two rows (like an old cowboy shoot-off).

2) They will both say, “Hagoo” and start to walk down the row toward each other.

3) They must not break eye contact and the object is to get to the opposite end of the line without laughing or smiling.

4) When the players pass each other, they must continue to maintain eye contact.

If a person does break eye contact, laughs, or smiles, they then must join the end of the line of the opposing team.

The teams can do or say any silly things to make the opposing player crack up, but they must be careful not to make their own player lose concentration. The teams may NOT touch another player. This process will continue until everyone has had a turn. The team with the most players at the conclusion of the game, wins.

Hope you have fun with these activities... let me know how you get on! 

Waterglass Music Challenge

Our newest Awesome Kids members, the fabulous Yoshua, Marijke and Esther, took up the challenge to create some music using glasses of water. Here it is for you to enjoy!

Thursday, 26 March 2020

Carol's mandala

Here is the first entry in the Adult's Division of the Mandala challenge!
Well done Carol, your rose mandala looks beautiful.

Here is my first ever attempt at a mandala - Holly our kitten was very
interested in it and walked over and through it a couple of times.
It is ok, but I think I could do better.
I will try again tomorrow, maybe if I don't use all the petals in a bath
today. - Carol

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Amazing mandalas are rolling in!

Thanks to all of you who have been busy creating some amazing mandalas, and answering the quiz questions. Here are a couple of pretty cool creations by Sophia and Dylan:

An edible mandala, by Dylan

A beautiful nature-inspired mandala, by Sophia

Keep them coming! We look forward to sharing some water-glass-music videos with you too!

Sunday, 22 March 2020

Digital Awesome Time! D.A.T. | Lockdown Edition #1

Hi there Awesome Kids!

Welcome to the first edition of D.A.T. = Digital Awesome Time!   

Today's D.A.T. is about seeing. But not just seeing with our eyes - but seeing with our hearts. We can think about seeing with our hearts in our thoughts and actions towards God and one another. If we only ever focus on ourselves, and our own wants and needs, it's hard to have a 'vision' or to see the needs of others. We might be able to look with our eyes, but it would be like we're 'blinded' to what God is doing, or to the things other people need.

Jesus sometimes said that people didn't see things clearly, even if they could see with their physical eyes. That's how some people missed out on Him and the awesome things He did. So let's keep our eyes open, spiritually and physically. Look around to know what others need. Keep our minds on God and what God wants us to do in our lives.

Here are some challenges for you. You might like to do just one, or you can do all of them. There will be a prize draw on Friday, so get your family involved and give it a go!

Today's story from the bible comes from John chapter 9, verses 1-41. 
Challenge #1: Read it with your family, and/or watch our video here:

Let us know what you think!

Here's a really cool video to watch, with questions afterwards. 

Challenge #2: Watch the video &
answer the questions at this link: CLICK HERE

The story from the bible reminded Carol of the concept of "ubuntu" - I am because we are. It is about our humanity and how we have common bonds with people within a group, which are more important than any individual person, argument or division within in. It means that people can disagree and debate, but because our relationships with each other are strong, we can work through things together. It's about putting others first, before yourself as a person. Sometimes this can be very hard to do and sometimes it's useful to have something contemplative to do when you are working things out. Creating a mandala can help. See challenge number three!

Mandalas were created in Asia by the Buddhists as early as the 4th century. Now they are created throughout the world. Carol's friend made an amazing mandala with flowers. Now you can too. 

Create a mandala, to symbolise our love for one another and humanity.
You could draw or paint a mandala Click here for instructions on how to draw a mandala.

Or you could make a mandala out of flowers...
or with something else from around the house - Lego perhaps, or stones, shells or cutlery!

Challenge #3: Take a photo of your mandala and email it to me. I will post it on the blog. There will be prizes for the most creative!

Watch the video from last Sunday, where Yoshua and Izak made music with glasses filled with water. 

Challenge #4: Create your own water-glass music, get your parent/caregiver to video it and send it to me! (Either email, or via Google Drive, Dropbox or Onedrive. I'll then put it on YouTube and link it to the blog. Or you can upload it to YouTube yourself and send me the link to share.)

Link to video: Living Water video

This is quite a cool picture story, which is all about seeing. Nobody seems to notice Brian, the invisible boy. No-one thinks to include him in their game, group, or invite him to their party. Until... a new kid comes to class.

Challenge #5: Watch the story above and answer this question:
Are there kids in your class, or at school, who you see as being treated as though they are invisible, like Brian was? What could you do to make them feel more valued and appreciated?

You could do just one of the challenges above, or all of them. Get the whole family involved - have fun and share the love and kindness!

Email your answers / photos / videos to me directly, or if you don't have my email address, click on the below link and I'll contact you.

Click HERE to contact Chapel Street Kids

Love and blessings,

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Living Water

On Sunday, our Awesome Kids learnt about the metaphor comparing Jesus to living water. 

We talked about having a 'thirst for God' and Jesus quenching that thirst. 

We made some purple footprints for Lent, with the words "...on a journey with God" or "...following in God's way" or "...following Jesus". We stuck them on the wall of the gallery. Follow them down the hallway and into the church!

Water music was a really fun way to celebrate Jesus as our Living Water. Yoshua and Izak created some awesome tunes using glasses filled with water and tapping them with teaspoons.

Afterwards, we enjoyed a watery dessert... JELLY! Hopefully we will all remember to go out into the world and share the living water, the love of Jesus, with everyone we meet.

Thanks to MaTCH for the video :o)

Hoop skills and dangerous crossings

Last Saturday, CHYPS our youth group (Chapel Street Young People's) tried a variety of team challenges. One of the most difficult was to get our team across a floor of "acid" - it sure helped having a rugby player on our side!

Thanks to MaTCH for the video.

Tuesday, 10 March 2020

I'll Love You till the Cows Come Home

On Sunday we read the story, 'I'll Love You till the Cows Come Home', by Kathryn Cristaldi. The narrator described their love for all these different kinds of animals, throughout all their weird and wonderful adventures. No matter where they went, what they did, the narrator loved them all the way through their journey, and welcomed them home to that love.

We unscrambled a mystery bible verse, to discover the verse from John 3:16 - For God loved the world so much that he gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him may not die but have eternal life.

God's love for us is A W E S O M E. Through all our journeys, our doubts, our questions, our misunderstandings... even if we don't ask for it - God's love is real and awesome and stays with us always, no matter what.

God loved the world S O  M U C H that he gave us Jesus. That's H U G E. God's love is so B I G, so W I D E, so D E E P... it's pretty cool.

We created some crazy cool collages, and Yoshua and Izak built some awesome Lego creations... celebrating that no matter who we are, what we look like, where we come from... no matter what... God LOVES us.

Monday, 9 March 2020

Camp was A M A Z I N G!

Come to church on Sunday 29 March to relive our creative worship service from CAMP 2020! We'll also see the CAMP MOVIE and photos.

CHYPS 2020

CHYPS is back this year - with tons of energy, enthusiasm and lots of laughs.

We are so blessed to have Angie Sisifa as our new youth leader this year, assisted by Monica. Our first session for 2020 was packed with high energy games, getting to know one another, and time to chat about how the year had started off for everyone. We were reminded that through it all, God is with us, loving us, all the time - no matter what.

Thanks to the mums who provided us with a scrummy supper to finish!

Our next CHYPS is Saturday 14th March!

Monday, 2 March 2020

Mountaintop Experiences / On the Edge

Think about a time in your life when you reached an edge. When you had to make a choice, pick a path to follow, or make a really hard decision.Who or what helped you make the decision? The scriptures today were about hard decisions. Sometimes you know in your heart what the right choice is, but our friends might be telling us something different.

We are starting the season of Lent, which is all about making choices. Lent is also a bit like a journey. Imagine a journey along an edge... a physical edge like a beach, lakeside, rooftop, mountainside - or an edge within our community, maybe differences in cultures, backgrounds or ways of thinking or doing things.

We heard the story of Jesus and his friends on the mountain. The story is called The Transfiguration. Transfiguration means when something is changed in an amazing way. In this story, Jesus' appearance was changed dramatically and mysteriously. It was when it was revealed to some of Jesus's disciples that Jesus truly is the Son of God.  

In Hot Chocolate Club, we shared our Mountaintop Experiences... times when we were either literally on top of a mountain, or metaphorically. Times when we felt on top of the world. Times when we felt super close to God. Times when we felt full of wonder and awe. Times when we felt the love and peace and comfort of God flood over us.

We talked about ways we can reflect God's awesome light and love, in our daily life. We thought that every time we had a choice to make, if we stopped to think about what Jesus would do... what God would want us to do... it would help us to make the right decision.

Sometimes, when we have a choice to make, a big decision on our minds... it feels a bit like we are on the edge. We remember that God is with us through our journey, every step of the way, we just have to stop and let God guide is in our choices.

In pairs, we did a Lego-person photo shoot, going on a hunt for photos of our wee model living on the edge. It was a reminder that wherever we go, whatever choices we make, God is with us, loving us always.

Blessing of the Backpacks

 Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Blessing of the Backpacks and our first Awesome Time of 2025.