Saturday, 30 May 2020

D.A.T. #11 | Pentecost

We each have unique gifts. None are more important or less important than someone else's, as they all come from the Spirit that Jesus promised. God wants us to use our gifts to build each other up. We are all different. 

Can you think of a gift the Spirit has given you? Maybe you have a voice to sing praise, or can play the ukulele or another musical instrument? Maybe you have a mind to read and understand the stories from the Bible, and our Awesome Time messages each week. Maybe you have a willingness to pray, perhaps you even lead prayers in church sometimes, or for our Digital Awesome Time videos. Maybe you use your gift of artistic ability, to create beautiful artwork to illustrate God's love, and our awesome world. Creativity could be your gift, or you might help with technology, running the sound desk or video at church, or helping make videos for D.A.T. You may have a spirit of friendship, and show God's love to others through your kindness and caring.

We are all different. We may not all eat the same foods, we may speak different languages, watch different movies. We all have different gifts and talents - we are all part of the same Body of Christ and each person is valued and needed. Let's celebrate our uniqueness and use our gifts to connect with one another, help others and share God's amazing LOVE.

Listen to Monica read a devotion, based on our reading from Corinthians 12, from the book 'Indescribable', by Louie Giglio.

Here is a fantastic book, Drawn Together, about a boy and his grandfather who don't speak the same language, and have no way to communicate with each other. Watch the video to see how the boy and his grandfather use their gifts to finally 'speak' to each other for the first time.

BIBLE STORY | Acts 2 | Pentecost
Watch the video below, to hear the story from the bible about Pentecost.

Loving God,
Thank you for all the different kinds of people
who make up Your world.
We are like one giant fruit salad!
Thank You for all our different gifts and abilities.
Help us to include others, celebrate differences
and find ways we can share Your awesome love
wherever we go, with everyone.

Ngāti Fruit Salad
Check out this cool song from Siu and her sister!


Collaborate with someone to draw a picture. It might be with someone in your family, or with a friend, neighbour or relative elsewhere. You could draw half the picture, then drop it into their letterbox for them to draw the other half!

Illustration from: Drawn Together
by Minh Lê & Dan Santat
There are lots of different kite designs and tutorials around... find one you like and have a go at making your own kite! Take the family to a nearby park and try it out. We'd love to see your photos and videos of the first flight!

YouTube Tutorial on Kite Making
How to Build a Kite

We can’t see the wind but we know it’s there, 
it rustles the leaves and blows through our hair. 
God’s Spirit is with us, we know this is true. 
and people can see it in the things that we do. 

You could try writing your own pentecost poem. Think about the ways we know God is with us. What are some of the things people do that show God's love?

Have a great week out there everyone, and remember to send us your VIDEO for the PAPER PLANE PROJECT!

Friday, 29 May 2020

Angie's handprint

Angie made this handprint, to remind her how to pray using the five fingered prayer. 
Beautiful colours, Angie!

Five Fingered Prayer
You might like to make a handprint, or draw around your hand, to remind you of this fun way to pray.

1. Your thumb is nearest to you. So begin your prayers by praying for those closest to you. They are the easiest to remember. Family and friends.

2. The next finger is the pointing finger. Pray for those who teach, instruct and heal. This includes teachers, doctors, and ministers. They need support and wisdom in pointing others in the right direction. 

3. The next finger is the tallest finger. It reminds us of our leaders. Pray for our prime minister, leaders in government. They need God’s guidance.

4. The fourth finger is our ring finger. Did you know the ring finger is our weakest finger? This finger reminds us to pray for those who are weak, in trouble or in pain. They need our prayers day and night. 

5. And finally, our little finger; the smallest finger of all. Which is where we should place ourselves in relation to God and others. As the Bible says, “the least shall be the greatest among you.” Your pinky finger reminds us to pray for ourselves. By the time we have prayed for the other four groups, our own needs will be put into perspective!

Sunday, 24 May 2020

The Paper Plane Project

Remember our 'Pass the Peace | Teddy Bear' VIDEO made in Lockdown?

Well, we thought it was time we tried another challenge... so here is our next video project -


This is inspired by our Digital Awesome Time activity this morning, where we made paper planes, or darts - symbolising 'arrow prayers' - a quick one or two word prayer shot out to God, (like, "Thanks God!" or "Help!")

So... your mission, should you choose to accept it is to:

1. Make a paper plane
2. Set up your camera or phone to video yourself
3. Get an assistant (off camera) to throw the paper plane to you (coming in from YOUR RIGHT)
4. Catch (or pick up) the plane, SMILE at the camera
5. Throw the dart off to YOUR LEFT
6. Send me the video clip - either email, Google Drive, dropbox, OneDrive, Instagram to the CHYPS insta, or Messenger
7. Done!

* Make sure to shoot the video in LANDSCAPE mode.
* It's super hard to catch a paper plane... so we recommend getting the person throwing it to do it gently from a close distance, so it lands on your lap, or on the table in front of you, or on the book you're reading, or something like that. Be creative!

NOTE: This challenge is a kids/youth only one... sorry grown-ups, you miss out this time (but you can always help with the production behind the scenes!)

The video will be shared on our blog, YouTube, CHYPS Instagram and church Facebook page.

If you have any questions, please give me a call / email.

We look forward to seeing your awesome videos!

Friday, 22 May 2020

D.A.T. #10 | Invisible String & Arrow Prayers

Isn't it awesome that we are always connected to God, by the power of love and prayer. Although we can't see God, we know God is here, loving us always... and we can feel that love. It's kind of like being connected with an invisible string.

When we talk to God, it's called prayer. This week, we are learning about prayer, all the different ways we can pray, and we are encouraged to pray for ourselves and for others.

Watch our D.A.T. for this week, in four parts, featuring the awesome Rev AnneMarijke & Siu and family.

Part 1:

Part 2:
Here is Rev Anne, with some words of wisdom on prayer:

Part 3:
Listen to me read the lovely book, The Invisible String.

Part 4:
Sing along with Siu & family, to a special song about prayer - in English and Samoan:


Popsicle Prayer Pot
Use popsicle sticks (ice-block or ice-cream sticks) and an old jar or tin to make a popsicle prayer pot. On each stick, write someone or something you would like to pray for, or thank God for. Decorate a jar or tin, and keep your prayer sticks in it. Pull out one or two sticks at a time, and chat to God. It can be out loud, a quiet whisper, or silently in your head. God hears all our prayers.

Invisible String Hearts
Cut out the hearts below, or draw your own. Colour and decorate each heart - either using pencils or watercolour paints. Write the name of someone you love in each heart. Don't forget to include your own name!

Glue the hearts onto a large sheet of paper. Use a white crayon to draw a squiggly line, from heart to heart. Paint over the background with watercolour paint, watered down paint, or water coloured with a drop of food colouring. The white line (invisible string!) will show through.

Heart Maze
Either print out the maze below, or create your own heart maze for yourself or someone else in your family to do.

Paper Chain People
Make some paper chain (or accordian) people... colour them in to represent the friends and family you love.

I tried making these circular paper chain people... I didn't think they turned out too bad!
Here's the link to the instructable: 

Five Fingered Prayer
You might like to make a handprint, or draw around your hand, to remind you of this fun way to pray.

1. Your thumb is nearest to you. So begin your prayers by praying for those closest to you. They are the easiest to remember. Family and friends.

2. The next finger is the pointing finger. Pray for those who teach, instruct and heal. This includes teachers, doctors, and ministers. They need support and wisdom in pointing others in the right direction. 

3. The next finger is the tallest finger. It reminds us of our leaders. Pray for our prime minister, leaders in government. They need God’s guidance.

4. The fourth finger is our ring finger. Did you know the ring finger is our weakest finger? This finger reminds us to pray for those who are weak, in trouble or in pain. They need our prayers day and night. 

5. And finally, our little finger; the smallest finger of all. Which is where we should place ourselves in relation to God and others. As the Bible says, “the least shall be the greatest among you.” Your pinky finger reminds us to pray for ourselves. By the time we have prayed for the other four groups, our own needs will be put into perspective!
Click HERE to go to our online prayer.

Yarn Wrapped Heart

Cut out a heart shape from a piece of cardboard (you could use an old cereal box).

Tape or glue one end of some wool or string onto the heart. Next, wrap the wool around the heart over and over, in random directions. When it's well covered, tie and tuck the end in. You could leave a long end before cutting it off, so you've got something to hang it with.

Twig & String Art Ornaments

Gather three twigs and tie them together to make a triangular shape. Wind different colour string or wool from side to side to fill in the middle. Hang them in a window or from your doorhandle, to remind you to talk to God.

Wind Chime

Use an old tin, or plastic cup, some string or wool and beads or buttons, to create this colourful wind chime. Hang it somewhere to remind you that we are all connected to one another, and to God, by the power of love.

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Making Lemonade

These Awesome Kids have been very busy 'making lemonade'... looking for ways they can make things better. In Lockdown, they  have been super busy, looking for ways to make the best of the situation... making something beautiful, out of something not so good. (Just like we turn sour lemons into delicious, sweet lemonade!) Remember: When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!

Here is Sophia's Gratitude Tree - giving thanks for all the people and things she is grateful for:

'Emeline made a Happy Fathers' Day Card, as Sunday was Tongan Fathers' Day:

Here is Peatalisa, also making a Fathers' Day card:

In this photo, Sophia is having a game of Hide'n'Seek. Looks like she has found a great spot!

Well done girls, for looking for fun and creative ways to show your thankfulness, and share the love of God with others!

Saturday, 16 May 2020

D.A.T. #9 | When Life Gives You Lemons

A form of lemonade (lemon juice mixed with sugar or honey) has been around since the 12th Century. That's a long time ago! Bottles of lemonade were sold in markets in Cairo, Egypt. 

Lemons on their own don't taste very nice. I sure wouldn't like to drink a glass of lemon juice by itself! Most people, if they bit into a lemon, would think, 'yuck!', what a sour, tart taste! I wonder who came up with the idea of adding sugar, to create such a delicious, refreshing drink?

Lemonade is a great example of taking something that is rather unpleasant and turning it into something lovely.

There is a saying... 'When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.' 

In life, there are always going to be difficult, even dreadful times. Our bible readings today tell us that in these moments, God is with us. God loves us so much! God cries with us. God aches with us. But God loves us too much for us to deal with bad stuff alone.

Nothing can separate us from God's love. Instead of focusing on all the bad stuff in life, look at all the awesome goodness in the world! The good stuff that comes from a loving God who cares for us.

With God's help, we can look for ways to show God's love to others. Even when we're feeling a bit stink, if we can let God open our eyes and work through us to share God's love... In our hearts, we will be filled with a peace, knowing that we are doing the right thing, and that God is with us, helping us get through. 

The next time you are faced with something scary or hard, remember that God is with you. God loves you. Heaps! God is there, walking beside you, helping you all the way. Use that knowledge, that peace and love and strength to look to see how you can make things better. Look for ways to 'make lemonade' and continue to share God's love.

Check out this cool tune from our lovely Siu, who wrote this especially for this week's theme. Thanks, Siu!


Could Be Worse
When times are tough, it's sometimes helpful to remind ourselves that things could be worse. There is usually always someone doing it tougher. In dark times it can help to find things to be grateful for, or to find a way of bringing light and hope into someone else's life.

Watch this retelling of one of my favourite story books, where a grandfather shows two children that even though they might be having a bad day, things could be worse. You could try writing your own 'Could be Worse!' story, or a Bad News-Good News Story.

Keep Calm and Talk to God
One of our bible readings today comes from the book of Acts, with a message from Paul, telling us that no matter what happens in life, God has sent His Holy Spirit, to be our comforter. God is always with us, loving us.

Here's a great story from the bible, about Paul. It's a real bad news-good news story! Through all the dreadful, scary things that happen, Paul keeps calm and remembers that God is with him. Watch the video below and see if you can do the quiz afterwards.

Hide 'n' Seek
We know deep down in our hearts that God exists... but we have to seek out God. Everywhere we turn and look, we will see aspects of God in the world around us.

Play a game of Hide'n'Seek - with the whole family! Take a photo of someone in the best hiding place.

Gratitude Tree
Cut out some leaf shapes. Write something you are thankful for on each leaf. Attach the leaves to some branches and arrange them in a jar. Alternatively, you could draw a tree on a big sheet of paper and attach your leaves to that.

Thank You Note
Write a thank you note to someone, letting them know how much you appreciate them. It could be someone in your bubble, or you might like to post a note in the mail to a friend or relative.

Gratitude Scavenger Hunt
Find things you are thankful for, snap a photo of them and send them in!

Tear-off Gratitude Slips
Make some tear-off gratitude slips for your bubble. Put it on the fridge or noticeboard, and family members can rip off a note of thanks and surprise one another with it.

Leaf Art
Use Autumn leaves to make a piece of art. This lion picture would be a great one to try!

Take something that you might have ready to throw out in the yellow bin, and upcycle it. You could turn a jar or tin into a pen holder.

Transform a Lemon
Bake or create something with a lemon theme... you could bake some lemon muffins, a lemon cake, lemon slice, lemon meringue pie... you could make lemonade! Or make an artwork celebrating the lemon! Your choice! You might like to give your lemon gift to a friend or neighbour.

The Lemonade Machine
Watch this amazing video... The Lemonade Machine. A chain reaction of epic proportions! You may even be tempted to make your own!

Friday, 15 May 2020

This week's champions

Well done to this week's challenge champs...

Lily and Emelia, for their beautiful hand-print bouquet art for their grandmother:

Our CHYPS Photo Challenge Championship was hotly contested. Our youth had to perform a balancing act... balance something on something, or someone on someone, or something on someone, or someone on something! 

Our three finalists were... Ella, Keegan & Corban | Dylan & James | Angie Sisifa

Ella did a double act- she balanced on Corban's back, with a laptop and books balancing on her head! Dylan and James spent over an hour perfecting their balancing act; Dylan standing on his hands on the picnic table, balancing a ball on his feet! They showed awesome persistence and determination, as did our fearless leader Angie, who finally managed to stand on a swiss ball!

After much deliberation from the judges, here are the results:

Thursday, 14 May 2020

DAT 7 Challenge Champs

We are a bit behind in our prizegivings... here are the champs for DAT #7 | God's Love is Always With Us:

Drumroll please...

Jack & Angie take out the top prizes for their
nature scavenger hunt photos.

Our Online Zoom Scavenger Hunt winners last Sunday are...

Liam & Livvie were quiet but quick
in last week's Zoom Scavenger Hunt Challenge!

Zoom Awesome Time!

Last Sunday, our Awesome Kids came together for a Zoom meet. It was so good to see all your smiling faces!

We had a scavenger hunt, where everyone had to go and find items and bring them back the fastest. In this shot, everyone had to find something musical. We had everything from an oboe to vocals to trumpets!

Hopefully we can join together this Sunday too, keep an eye on your emails for instructions!

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Lily and Emelia's handprint art

Challenge # 8 | Hand-print Bouquet

Lily and Emelia (and Mum, Michelle), created a beautiful handprint artwork for their grandmother on Mothers' Day. I'm sure she was so thrilled, what a special gift.

Sunday, 10 May 2020

Happy Mothers' Day

Here's a blast from the past... check out these Mothers' Day videos our Awesome Kids made a few years back...

This first video was made in 2010:

Friday, 8 May 2020

D.A.T. #8 | Living Stones

Have you ever built a human pyramid? What would happen if someone on the bottom, or in the middle of the pyramid decided to leave and go home? I don't think the chances of the pyramid remaining standing would be very high!

Have you played Jenga? Or built a tower with blocks? What happens if you take out a block from the bottom? The tower becomes unstable and often collapses. 

Our readings today remind us that we are all 'living stones'. Living stones help one another and build each other up. Just like stepping stones on a path or across a creek help us to get across safely. If a stone is missing, it makes it harder to get across. Each stone is needed and important, just like we are all needed and important to the family of Christians.

Welcome to this week's D.A.T. (Digital Awesome Time)! Special welcome to Liam and Livvie, who have helped with our video message.

Check out this AWESOME song, written ESPECIALLY for us, by Siu! Thank you to her very talented kids, Vaiuli, Massey and Ílaisaane for helping produce such a great music video.

Thanks to Carol and Siu, who have given us some great ideas for this week's challenges. Have a go at one (or more) of the challenges below. Send us your photos or videos - every time you enter you go into the draw to win a scrumptious prize!


Challenge #1 | Puzzle Time
Do a jigsaw puzzle, with one or more members of your bubble. Take a photo and send it in!

Challenge #2 | Rock Art
Create a piece of art using small rocks or pebbles. 

Here are some videos of stone pictures, which might give you some inspiration:

Challenge #3 | Leaf People
Collect fallen Autumn leaves from your garden, or on a walk around your neighbourhood. Use the leaves to make a person. You could turn your whole family into leaf people. Or, use your imagination and create your own leaf animal or character.

Challenge # 4 | You Rock!
(a) Paint a stone with a message of kindness, or
(b) Paint a stone with a smiley face, or
(c) Paint a stone for each member of your family, or
(d) Collect enough stones to make a tic-tac-toe game. Paint half with noughts and the other half with crosses. Play a game with someone in your bubble. If you don't have paint, you could use felt pens.

Challenge #5 | Lego Build
It's pretty hard to build something out of Lego if you only have ONE brick! You definitely need lots of bricks of all sorts of shapes, sizes and colours. Just like we need all kinds of people in our church family.
Your task: Design and build your own creation out of Lego (or your choice of building blocks, or boxes).
Extra for experts: Can you build a brick rainbow?

Challenge #6 | Balancing Act
Balance one object on another object. Or, balance an object on a person, or a person on an object. Or, balance a person on a person! Take a photo and send it to us.

Challenge # 7 | Stack 'em Up!
Build a pyramid. You could use people (if you have enough in your bubble!), or cans, cups, toys... be creative!

Challenge # 8 | Hand-print Bouquet
Trace around your hands or make painted hand-prints to create a beautiful hand-print bouquet to give to a parent, grandparent or caregiver this Sunday.

Challenge # 9 | Three Ingredient Baking
Bake something using 3 ingredients. (If you leave one ingredient out, it's not going to work!) Here are a couple of options:

(a) Peanut Butter Cookies
using peanut butter, sugar and an egg

(b) Lemonade Scones
using lemonade, cream and flour - do some research for a good recipe and let us know!

(c) Ice cream
using condensed milk, cream and vanilla - do some research for a better recipe and let us know!
(I'm pretty sure you can also add a chopped up chocolate bar for extra goodness!)

Easy Ice Cream Recipe:
2 cups (500ml cream
400g can (approx) sweetened condensed milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Pour the cream into a bowl and whip until just stiff, do not over mix.
Fold the sweetened condensed milk and vanilla into the cream.  Spoon into a plastic container, seal with a lid and freeze until firm.

Challenge # 10 | Cuppa and a Chinwag
Make someone special a cup of tea, coffee or milo this Sunday. Sit down with them (without your phone, laptop or tv) and have a good old fashioned chat.

Sunday, 3 May 2020

Challenge # 3. Nature Treasure Hunt

Here is a collection of treasures Angie, 'Emeline, Tevunga and Peatalisa discovered this morning. I love the pops of colour with the orange nasturtiums, and the way the girls have displayed their treasures in the basket. Great photography skills, Angie!

More mysterious fairy houses!

Look what the O'Keefe family discovered on their walk this morning! 
Another great treasure discovered for Challenge # 3. Nature Treasure Hunt

Drumroll please...

Announcing the WINNERS of this week's Challenges...

Our Awesome Kid of the Week
for doing not just one, but TWO fabulous interviews for the Journalist Challenge is...

Our Awesome Adult of the Week Award goes to...

The winner of this week's CHYPS Chalk Your Walk Challenge...

Chocolate bars are on their way to you soon!

Saturday, 2 May 2020

Bottle Lake Forest Treasure Hunt with Jack

Jack went on a different kind of scavenger hunt... looking for Fairy Homes in Bottle Lake Forest. Mini fairy homes have mysteriously appeared on trees in Bottle Lake Forest during Lockdown, giving locals on their walks something different to hunt for.

Here's Jack's collection of photos for Challenge #3 Nature Treasure Hunt.

Friday, 1 May 2020

D.A.T. #7 | God's Love is Always With Us

God is always with us, through all the ups and downs of life. When we're feeling sad, happy, worried, afraid, hopeful. In the busy, noisy times and in the quiet, still times. God is always with us, loving us always, no matter what.

D.A.T. #7 | Psalm 23

Take some quiet time this week, to be grateful for the good things in our lives. We can be thankful for family, friends, a heart of love, things that bring us joy (like playing games, music, drawing, going for walks) and for a shepherding hand guiding us.

I'm super thankful and so excited to have Siu and her amazing children on board this week. Siu is the Youth Co-ordinator for the Central South Island Methodist Church of NZ. Siu and her family have put together a music video of 'My God is So Big' especially for us... so please click below and enjoy singing along! HUGE thanks to Siu, Vaiuli on the ukulele, Massey the dancing batman superhero, and the Frozen dancing girl, Ílaisaane! We are in awe of your talent, and look forward to seeing more of your music videos! 

Click HERE to sing along

This week's bible reading comes from the book of Psalms... there are a couple of versions here you can listen to:

Click HERE to listen to today's bible reading: Psalm 23

Click HERE for another version of Psalm 23

Here are our challenges for this week. Why not give one a go? You can try more if you like... and we would love to hear how you got on. If you'd like to send me your photos/videos, please email me!

# 1. Psalm 23 Quiz
Click HERE to do this week's quiz.

# 2. Paper Beads
Using coloured paper, or pages from old magazines, make some paper beads like these ones. Thread them together to make a necklace or bracelet for yourself, or to give to someone.

# 3. Nature Treasure Hunt Box
Go on a walk around your neighbourhood. Collect some interesting treasures and put them in a cardboard box or egg carton. Take a photo and send it to us!

#4. Gratitude Heart
Draw a large heart on a piece of A4 paper. Divide the heart into random segments. Colour each segment and label it with something you are grateful for... something or someone you love.

Some ideas might be...
– Something that someone else did for you today.
– A person in your life that you appreciate.
– An activity or hobby you are grateful to be able to do.
– A positive quality of someone that can sometimes be hard to get along with.
– A skill or ability you have.
– A part of your body you are grateful for and why.
– An item that you love.
– Something that made you laugh.
– What you have learnt from something that was hard.

#5. Toilet Roll Characters
Here's a use for those empty cardboard toilet rolls! Get creative and make some characters - maybe they could represent people in your bubble.

#6. Bubbles for your Bubble!
Make some home-made bubble mixture. There are lots of different recipes around, but you could start with the basic recipe of 2 Tablespoons of Dishwashing Liquid and 1 Cup of Water. You can make a bubble wand out of almost anything... pipe cleaner, an old wire clothes hanger, cookie cutters, straws... use your imagination!

#7. Juicy, Crispy, Crunch
Eat something, like a piece of fruit (or maybe some rice bubble cake... see recipe below!). Take note of all your senses as you eat. Describe what you see, hear, smell, feel and taste. Write a poem about it!

#8. Sheep Paper Craft
Using strips of paper looped over, make a sheep like this one. If you don't have googly eyes to stick on, just draw some. You could try using different coloured paper, or even using strips of newspaper for a different look.

#9. Bubble Bake-off
Cook up a storm in the kitchen. Bake something to impress and delight the people in your bubble, or challenge them to a Bubble Bake-off! Pick a recipe of your choice, or you might like to give one of these a try.

Rice Bubble Cake
  • 125 grams Butter
  • 125 grams Chelsea White Sugar
  • 2 Tbsp Honey
  • 4 cups Rice Bubbles
  1. Combine butter, Chelsea White Sugar and honey in a pot and boil for 5 minutes.  
  2. Add rice bubbles and stir.  
  3. Spread in buttered slice tray and cut while still warm.

Gingerbread Biscuits
  • 2 cups flour
  • ½ tsp baking soda
  • 1 Tbsp Gregg's Ground Ginger
  • 1 tsp Gregg's Ground Cinnamon
  • 1 cup soft brown sugar, firmly packed
  • 150g butter
  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup icing sugar
  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C (fan assisted). Line 2 baking trays with baking paper.
  2. Sift the flour, baking soda, Ground Ginger and Ground Cinnamon together into a food processor or mixing bowl. Add the soft brown sugar.
  3. Add the butter and pulse in food processor or rub with your fingertips until the mixture resembles fine crumbs. Add the egg and pulse or stir to mix. If the dough is too sticky, add a little more flour to the mix. Work the dough into a ball. Wrap it in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  4. Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface or between 2 sheets of baking paper until 5mm thick. Using cookie cutters, cut shapes and place on the baking trays. Form the leftover dough into a ball and re-roll and repeat cutting out until all the dough is used up.
  5. Bake the gingerbread for 8–10 minutes or until cooked and golden. Remove from the oven and cool on a wire rack.
  6. Make the icing by sifting icing sugar into a bowl. Mix in 3–4 tsp hot water to make a piping consistency. Using a small piping nozzle, fill a small piping bag with icing and decorate biscuits. You could decorate them to represent different members of your bubble/family!

Take a photo of your completed challenge/s and send it to us! 
We'll post your pictures on the blog and all entries go into the draw to win a scrumptious prize.

Click HERE to CONTACT us.

Blessing of the Backpacks

 Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Blessing of the Backpacks and our first Awesome Time of 2025.