Sunday, 24 May 2020

The Paper Plane Project

Remember our 'Pass the Peace | Teddy Bear' VIDEO made in Lockdown?

Well, we thought it was time we tried another challenge... so here is our next video project -


This is inspired by our Digital Awesome Time activity this morning, where we made paper planes, or darts - symbolising 'arrow prayers' - a quick one or two word prayer shot out to God, (like, "Thanks God!" or "Help!")

So... your mission, should you choose to accept it is to:

1. Make a paper plane
2. Set up your camera or phone to video yourself
3. Get an assistant (off camera) to throw the paper plane to you (coming in from YOUR RIGHT)
4. Catch (or pick up) the plane, SMILE at the camera
5. Throw the dart off to YOUR LEFT
6. Send me the video clip - either email, Google Drive, dropbox, OneDrive, Instagram to the CHYPS insta, or Messenger
7. Done!

* Make sure to shoot the video in LANDSCAPE mode.
* It's super hard to catch a paper plane... so we recommend getting the person throwing it to do it gently from a close distance, so it lands on your lap, or on the table in front of you, or on the book you're reading, or something like that. Be creative!

NOTE: This challenge is a kids/youth only one... sorry grown-ups, you miss out this time (but you can always help with the production behind the scenes!)

The video will be shared on our blog, YouTube, CHYPS Instagram and church Facebook page.

If you have any questions, please give me a call / email.

We look forward to seeing your awesome videos!

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Blessing of the Backpacks

 Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Blessing of the Backpacks and our first Awesome Time of 2025.