Sunday, 12 October 2014

The Great Feast!

Today was White Sunday, where in Samoan churches the children dress in white, take the entire service and are celebrated. Whilst we didn't take the whole service, Ella and Keegan helped Moe light the candle, Catherine led us in prayer, and the rest of the Awesome Kids helped with a drama.

We acted out the parable of The Great Feast. Spencer played the part of the king, who planned a banquet and invited all his friends. On the day of the party however, the friends were too busy or couldn't be bothered to turn up. The king sent out a servant to find out why they didn't come. They all gave very lame excuses and the king was very sad and cross. He then sent his servants out into the streets to invite everyone they could find to come and share in the banquet. 

Jesus said God has given each one of us a special invitation: to accept God's love into our lives. God is pretty awesome and loves each one of us so much and wants the best for us. What we do really matters to God. So the story Jesus told is to help us understand and remember this special invitation, to try and live in God's ways, showing love to other people.

To help us remember this parable (story) and help celebrate White Sunday, we held our own great banquet. We had invited some very special guests, Rev Neti and Moe. Fortunately they didn't make any excuses, they were very happy to turn up!

The Awesome Kids enjoyed having Neti and Moe to themselves for a while, and we had great fun eating, talking and laughing together. The children posed some thought-provoking questions to Neti, such as: "How do you talk to God?", "How many books in the bible?", "What sports do you like?" and "What is your favourite colour?"

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Blessing of the Backpacks

 Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Blessing of the Backpacks and our first Awesome Time of 2025.