I think this photo sums it up.
Happy Christmas, everyone!
We've been getting Christmassy over the past couple of Sundays, making Christmas gifts for our family and friends.
Candy cane & chocolate Santa sleighs last week with Jill & Richard, and hot chocolate jars and herb & spice seasoning jars with Carol this morning.
We talked about what it means to have courage. We agreed that courage doesn't mean not being afraid... it's about stepping up and doing stuff even if we are feeling scared, anxious or nervous.
God says, have courage, for I am with you.
Livvie said, it's a bit like someone cheering you on saying, 'You've got this!' I think that's a pretty good explanation, and as Livvie said, we can help others find courage by saying, 'hey, you've got this!' and being a cheerleader for them too.
God's our biggest cheerleader. God's always with us, loving us. God's got us!
We created some pictures of scared faces to remind everyone that it's ok to feel afraid, and to just remember that God is with us, giving us courage and strength to do hard stuff.
A big thank you to Ella for leading our prayer this morning!
This week, it's St Francis of Assisi Day and Rev Anne will be doing a Blessing of the Animals.
Here are some photos Awesome Kids Emelia and Lily sent in of Storm (their latest edition to the family) a 14 week Border Collie; Tiggy, who turns 1 today and Soxy (2 years old). We think they are just beautiful!
This week is Storm Sunday.
The Bible describes many storms and 'stormy times' Jesus went through. We all know the story about Jesus stilling the storm (Luke 8.22-25) when he was in the boat with the disciples. Jesus calmed the stormy sea.
In the storms of life, we can know that God is with us. God's loving presence gives us comfort, strength and hope.
I read somewhere that God's love is like an umbrella... just like an umbrella can give us a little shelter and comfort as we go out and brave the weather, God's love helps us to face all the storms of life.
Jesus wants us to share God's love with others, and be a comfort and strength to people who are going through their own storms.
It reminded me of this book, "Tiny Miss Dott and her Dotty Umbrella", written by Michelle Osment and illustrated by Sarah Nelisiwe Anderson. Miss Dott works at the charity store, just like our very own Dot at the Budget Boutique! When Miss Dott goes to work at the op shop, she takes her umbrella in case it might rain. She leave it outside the door, and while she's inside her umbrella provides much needed shelter to a number of people.
I hope that we can be like Dott's umbrella, and help give shelter and comfort to those who need it.
To celebrate the beginning of our Season of Creation celebrations, go for a walk somewhere. It could be your local park, school playground, or you might take a bus to the beach for a stroll along the sand.
Do something to celebrate and give thanks for that place. You might take a photo, draw a picture in the sand, do some leaf rubbings, collect pinecones or shells, or write a poem. You could even make a message in a bottle!
Awesome God, thank You for stars and starfish, winds and waves and whales and sand. Thank You for all the magnificent and marvellous creatures in our world. Help us to remember that wherever we go, whatever we see and do, we will always belong with You and You will always be with us, loving us no matter what.
Watch Sunday's service at 10am live on Facebook.
Follow Christchurch North Methodist Parish on Facebook, or you can watch through your browser by clicking on this link:
Christchurch North Methodist Parish Facebook
This Sunday marks Youth Sunday and we want our young people to know how much we value you! Each one of you are treasured and loved. You are an important part of our church family and community and we appreciate you.
We look forward to seeing you again soon in person, but until then, know that you are loved.
Listen to Melanie read the story, All of Us, by Carin Berger. It's a great one for Peace Sunday!
Hope everyone is enjoying the school holidays!
We'll be back with another Awesome Time online at the end of the holidays, so watch this space!
In the meantime... if anyone has made one of Jillian's little origami suitcases please do send us a photo. Or, if you've been busy with any other art and craft, or up to anything else interesting, please let us know!
Keep warm, be careful, have fun, be happy and be kind!
This week's Awesome Time Online is brought to you by Jillian and Richard.
You can watch the video HERE.
You can tune in to watch Carol's Awesome Time talk this Sunday by going to our Facebook page. We'll post it here after Sunday too.
Here's a prayer from Carol...
Loving God,
You care for us and love no matter what we look like,
where we are from,
or what we like or dislike.
We are ALL children of God.
Thank you for loving us for who we are.
Teach us to love and care for each other with that same unconditional love.
Hey Awesome Kids!
Our theme for this Sunday is Trinity Sunday. God has given us pictures in the bible to help us understand who God is. Trinity is understanding God as our parent, God as Jesus and God as the Holy Spirit all at the same time. A bit tricky I know. I want you to try something at home to try and explain what this might mean. You will need a big piece of card, a small metal car and a magnet.
You might want to try this in front of your family and see if they can work it out. Hold the card vertically on a flat surface with the card on one side. On the other side hold the magnet against the car and move it along. The people on the other side won’t know how the car is moving!
If you don’t know how this is happening it might first seem like a magic trick.
Now of course it isn’t magic, magnets attract metal objects like the car. Anyone in front of the car can’t see the magnet but we know that it is there because we can see its power by what it does.
Did you know that we have something like the power of the magnet in us that will guide us just like the magnet guided this car across the card? That power comes from the Holy Spirit.
The bible says that when Jesus knew it was time for Him to leave the earth and return to Heaven, He called his friends, the disciples together. He said that he would leave his Holy Spirit to live in them. When we believe in Jesus, the Holy Spirit comes to live in us too.
We can’t see the Holy Spirit inside of us but we know that it is there because we can feel its power. Just like we could see the power of the magnet guiding the metal car, we can see the Holy Spirit guiding us each day.
Maybe when someone is being mean to someone at school and something inside of you says, ‘Hey this is wrong!’ and you tell them to stop and find a teacher to help. That might be the Holy Spirit guiding you to do the right thing. Or if you are tempted to peek at someone else’s work during a test and a little voice inside says, ‘No, Stop, you don’t want to do this’. And you are able to realise that you were about to do something wrong and you stopped, that too could be the Holy Spirit inside of you.
The car has to be close to the magnet before it feels the effects of its power. Like that, when we stay close to God, we feel the power of his Holy Spirit guiding us. Let’s pray and thank God for sending the Holy Spirit to be our guide.
God, thank you for sending your Holy Spirit to guide us in the way you want us to go. Help us to stay close to you, so that we can feel the power of your Holy Spirit in our lives. Amen.
Check out her Awesome Time talk by going to the church Facebook page.
You can watch the video below for this week's story from the bible:
Jesus lives with God and continues to love the whole world. Jesus wants us to share that awesome love with everyone.
Loving God,
On this special day we remember that you sent your Son Jesus, who died on the cross and then rose again, and on Ascension Day Jesus went up to Heaven.
We thank you that you are always with us and we are never alone, because we are surrounded by your love.
When we see the sun in the sky, we remember you are there.
When we feel the rain on our faces, we remember you are there.
When we watch the birds flying, we remember you are there,
When we sing and pray together, we remember you are there.
When it is dark and we feel alone, help us to remember you are there.
Check out this week's Awesome Time Online video where I read the story about Rose and Mr Wintergarten.
You can find it by clicking HERE.
This week's bible story is found in the book of Acts, chapter 16, verses 9-15. It is about Paul and Lydia. You might remember hearing about Lydia - she was a seller of purple cloth. Both Paul and Lydia had to be brave. Paul was moving to a new place and had to speak with lots of different people. Lydia listened and opened her heart to God's message, welcomed the visiting preacher and invited Paul and his friends into her home.
She showed hospitality to these strangers - even though it might have been a bit scary.
In our Awesome Time Online story today, Rose meets Mr Wintergarten - and I think in the beginning both of them are just a little bit scared of each other. But, with a little courage (and some fairy cakes!) the barriers are broken and a friendship is forged.
Rose showed courage by going through the rusty gate into the very unwelcoming garden next door. And it took a lot of courage for Mr Wintergarten to open his curtains, his front door and his heart to the neighbourhood kids too.
Sometimes, it's hard for us to show friendship to others, especially when it's people we don't know very well. We might have to cross boundaries that make us feel uncomfortable. God wants us to be brave in loving and welcoming others... this might mean inviting a new student or lonely kid to come and join your game or group, or sit with you and your friends at lunchtime.
Or, it might mean being warm and friendly to the grumpy neighbour, like in the story I read. The flowers and fairy cakes Rose takes to Mr Wintergarten I think are a bit like a 'peace offering'.
Peace is mentioned in the other bible reading this week (John 14:27). Jesus says, "I give you peace." Jesus reminds us that we have each other to help us remember that we are never alone. Even if our friends or family aren't around, Jesus is always with us!
So even when things are hard, when we don't feel especially good or brave - remember that Jesus loves us. Just the way we are.
Jesus's peace and love is with us always and we need to share that awesome love and peace with others.
You can also Watch the bible story HERE:
Why not give one of these challenges a go?
1. Fairy Cakes
Bake some fairy cakes, cookies or muffins. Take some to a neighbour or someone you know who might need them. (Remember to wash those hands well, and mask up and social distance when making a doorstep delivery!)
2. Courageous Kindness
Show some kindness to someone at school. Maybe it's someone who is sitting by themselves - invite them to have lunch with you or join in your game.
3. Make a Kind Call
Phone someone just to say 'hi' and ask how their day is going. Listen, and let them know you care about them.
4. Unexpected Kindness
Surprise someone with kindness. Maybe you might leap up after dinner one night and do all the dishes and clearing up, even if it's not your turn!
Let us know if you complete a challenge. We'd love to hear from you!
Have a wonderful week!
In today’s bible reading, Jesus gives his disciples a new rule to live by: “Love one another as I have loved you.” It is the greatest and most important rule (commandment) of all.
You see, back in those days there were a lot of rules. People had rules for what to wear, who to talk to, things they could or could not eat, places to go…rules for everything. The rules were much, much more strict than the rules we have at home or school today.
Have you heard the saying: “Actions speak louder than words”?
Jesus was reminding his disciples that they needed to love one another in the same way that he loved them. And he wants to remind us of the importance of showing love, kindness and consideration towards other people too. By doing that, others will see the love of Jesus in our actions.
Let’s pray
Thank you God for the amazing stories about Jesus,
that help us learn and understand more about his love
Thank you for the love that Jesus brings to us,
We want others to know we are Jesus friends
So help us to share that love with others everyday.
Here is a link to watch Heather and Dave's story from Sunday - about Shrek the Sheep, and The Ragged Sheep.
Do you ever mess up? Do you ever hurt a friend's feelings or let someone down? We all make mistakes and get things wrong sometimes. This week's story is about Peter who messed up - a lot. Who would want to be friends with someone like that? Well, someone very special... as Peter found out. You can find out too, by watching this week's Awesome, Time Online!
Watch Video HereChallenges
Morena God!Thanks for being with me this morning, through the day and the night.Thanks for loving me always, no matter what.Amen!
Let us prayGod, you loved this world so much,That you gave your one and only Son,That we might be called your children too.May we realise today what Jesus’ death and resurrection mean to us.The risen Jesus has given us new life and renewed hope.Help us to live in the gladness and grace of Easter Sunday, everyday.Let us have hearts of thankfulness for your sacrifice.Grant us blessings of love, hope, peace, good health and happiness.Help us to walk in Your grace and share the good news of the empty tomb.In the name of Jesus, the Risen God,Amen.
Thanks, Carol! You can check out Carol's full Awesome Time message on our Parish Facebook Page.
Check out the previous blog post which has a video of the Easter story to watch. You can also read the Resurrection story for yourself in the Bible. You can find it in the book of Matthew, chapter 28, verses 1-10.
HOSANNA! Welcome to Awesome Time Online for Palm Sunday!
I love this photo of William and Harry, taken on Palm Sunday quite a few years ago!
This week's Awesome Time Online is brought to you by Carol.
Let's Pray:
Dear God
We thank you for examples of acts of love and kindness in the Bible – the examples of Mary and Martha.
Fill our hearts with kindness and compassion.
Inspire us to show your love through acts of kindness.
Let us create a space around us where people can find harmony, and we treat each other with compassion and kindness.
As we continue in this day and the week ahead, grant us the wisdom and strength to act kindly and let others feel loved and respected.
Bless us so we can represent your love and kindness
We ask this in Jesus’ name
This week's story from the bible is the story of the Prodigal Son. It's about a son who runs away from his father, and behaves rather badly, like a wild thing. Eventually, he misses his father and returns, just hoping his Dad will let him come home. His Dad does more than that... he shows overwhelming love and forgiveness and welcomes his son home with open arms.
This reminds me of the book 'Where the Wild Things Are', by Maurice Sendak, where Max misbehaves and 'runs away'.
Watch this week's Awesome Time Online by clicking HERE.
Jesus didn't tell stories about perfect people who never mess up. Instead, Jesus told stories about people who made mistakes, but who were loved and welcomed home and forgiven. We too mess up and make mistakes, but like Max's return to his Mum, and the prodigal son's return to his Dad, as children of God, we are always loved and forgiven.
Watch the story of the Prodigal Son here:
Dear God,
Thank you for loving us always, even when we mess up.
Help us to remember we ALL make mistakes.
Teach us to show love and forgiveness to others, just like you do for us.
Thanks to Izak & Caleb for their help with this week's Awesome Time Online!
Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Blessing of the Backpacks and our first Awesome Time of 2025.