Friday, 20 May 2022

Have Courage. Be Kind.

Check out this week's Awesome Time Online video where I read the story about Rose and Mr Wintergarten. 

You can find it by clicking HERE.

This week's bible story is found in the book of Acts, chapter 16, verses 9-15. It is about Paul and Lydia. You might remember hearing about Lydia - she was a seller of purple cloth. Both Paul and Lydia had to be brave. Paul was moving to a new place and had to speak with lots of different people. Lydia listened and opened her heart to God's message, welcomed the visiting preacher and invited Paul and his friends into her home.

She showed hospitality to these strangers - even though it might have been a bit scary.

In our Awesome Time Online story today, Rose meets Mr Wintergarten - and I think in the beginning both of them are just a little bit scared of each other. But, with a little courage (and some fairy cakes!) the barriers are broken and a friendship is forged.

Rose showed courage by going through the rusty gate into the very unwelcoming garden next door. And it took a lot of courage for Mr Wintergarten to open his curtains, his front door and his heart to the neighbourhood kids too.

Sometimes, it's hard for us to show friendship to others, especially when it's people we don't know very well. We might have to cross boundaries that make us feel uncomfortable. God wants us to be brave in loving and welcoming others... this might mean inviting a new student or lonely kid to come and join your game or group, or sit with you and your friends at lunchtime. 

Or, it might mean being warm and friendly to the grumpy neighbour, like in the story I read. The flowers and fairy cakes Rose takes to Mr Wintergarten I think are a bit like a 'peace offering'. 

Peace is mentioned in the other bible reading this week (John 14:27). Jesus says, "I give you peace." Jesus reminds us that we have each other to help us remember that we are never alone. Even if our friends or family aren't around, Jesus is always with us!

So even when things are hard, when we don't feel especially good or brave - remember that Jesus loves us. Just the way we are. 

Jesus's peace and love is with us always and we need to share that awesome love and peace with others.

You can also Watch the bible story HERE:


Why not give one of these challenges a go?

1. Fairy Cakes

Bake some fairy cakes, cookies or muffins. Take some to a neighbour or someone you know who might need them. (Remember to wash those hands well, and mask up and social distance when making a doorstep delivery!)

2. Courageous Kindness

Show some kindness to someone at school. Maybe it's someone who is sitting by themselves - invite them to have lunch with you or join in your game.

3. Make a Kind Call

Phone someone just to say 'hi' and ask how their day is going. Listen, and let them know you care about them.

4. Unexpected Kindness

Surprise someone with kindness. Maybe you might leap up after dinner one night and do all the dishes and clearing up, even if it's not your turn!

Let us know if you complete a challenge. We'd love to hear from you!

Have a wonderful week!

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Blessing of the Backpacks

 Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Blessing of the Backpacks and our first Awesome Time of 2025.