Sunday, 12 June 2022

A Message from Rev Anne

Hey Awesome Kids!

Our theme for this Sunday is Trinity Sunday. God has given us pictures in the bible to help us understand who God is. Trinity is understanding God as our parent, God as Jesus and God as the Holy Spirit all at the same time. A bit tricky I know. I want you to try something at home to try and explain what this might mean. You will need a big piece of card, a small metal car and a magnet.

You might want to try this in front of your family and see if they can work it out. Hold the card vertically on a flat surface with the card on one side. On the other side hold the magnet against the car and move it along. The people on the other side won’t know how the car is moving!

If you don’t know how this is happening it might first seem like a magic trick. 

Now of course it isn’t magic, magnets attract metal objects like the car. Anyone in front of the car can’t see the magnet but we know that it is there because we can see its power by what it does. 

Did you know that we have something like the power of the magnet in us that will guide us just like the magnet guided this car across the card? That power comes from the Holy Spirit. 

The bible says that when Jesus knew it was time for Him to leave the earth and return to Heaven, He called his friends, the disciples together. He said that he would leave his Holy Spirit to live in them. When we believe in Jesus, the Holy Spirit comes to live in us too. 

We can’t see the Holy Spirit inside of us but we know that it is there because we can feel its power. Just like we could see the power of the magnet guiding the metal car, we can see the Holy Spirit guiding us each day. 

Maybe when someone is being mean to someone at school and something inside of you says, ‘Hey this is wrong!’ and you tell them to stop and find a teacher to help. That might be the Holy Spirit guiding you to do the right thing. Or if you are tempted to peek at someone else’s work during a test and a little voice inside says, ‘No, Stop, you don’t want to do this’. And you are able to realise that you were about to do something wrong and you stopped, that too could be the Holy Spirit inside of you. 

The car has to be close to the magnet before it feels the effects of its power. Like that, when we stay close to God, we feel the power of his Holy Spirit guiding us. Let’s pray and thank God for sending the Holy Spirit to be our guide.

God, thank you for sending your Holy Spirit to guide us in the way you want us to go. Help us to stay close to you, so that we can feel the power of your Holy Spirit in our lives. Amen. 

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Blessing of the Backpacks

 Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Blessing of the Backpacks and our first Awesome Time of 2025.