Sunday, 31 July 2022

Awesome Time Online with Sue!

This week's message is brought to us by Sue:

You can’t drive a Ferrari to heaven!
In this week’s story from the bible, someone asks Jesus to help him get his share of his inheritance from his brother.  Jesus refuses, and warns him about being greedy.  Then Jesus tells him a story about a rich fool.

A man had plenty of food growing in his fields – more than he needed.  So he decided to build bigger barns to keep it all in, so that he could relax and enjoy all his wealth.  But God told him he was being foolish.  He wasn’t going to be able to use it all – and then what would happen to it?
I read a story about a girl.  There was a special pair of roller blades that she really wanted – pink, sparky ones.  Imagine her joy when she opened her birthday present and saw the exact roller blades she had been wanting!  She was so excited!  She decided that she was going to look after them really well, and treasure them.  She wouldn’t use them in case they got dirty. And she wouldn’t let anyone else use them either, just in case they damaged them.  She kept her rollerblades in perfect condition.  Finally, one day she decided that she would try them out.  So she got them out of the box, and very carefully untied the laces to put them on.  BUT…  her feet had grown, and the rollerblades didn’t fit her anymore!
God’s NOT telling us that we can’t have nice things.  But we need to remember to ALWAYS thank God for all the things we do have, and to find ways to use what we have to help God.
·       We can share our favourite toys with our brothers, sisters and friends
·       If you have one biscuit left and your friend doesn’t have any – break it in half and have half each
·       You can use all your craft supplies to make a card for someone who needs some cheering up
·       You can use the ingredients in your pantry to bake a cake for someone
Pretend you won Lotto.  You have now got $5000 to spend on anything you want. 
Write a list of all the things you will spend it on.
Now, go through your list, and think about how you can use those things on your list to help God.
Take some time to thank God for what you have – family, friends, food to eat, clothes to wear, schools, holidays, toys, bikes etc. 

And remember… you can’t drive a Ferrari to heaven!
Take care,

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Blessing of the Backpacks

 Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Blessing of the Backpacks and our first Awesome Time of 2025.