Saturday, 12 October 2019

Faith is like WIFI...

Last Sunday our Awesome Kids gave thanks for the special people in our lives who have shown us how to live in God's way. Perhaps they are a family member, friend, teacher, Awesome Time teacher, Youth Group leader, minister, or a special friend at church.

They are the people who get to know us, who care about us, listen to us, show us understanding and love. They might be someone who prayer for us, or tells us stories from the Bible, or someone who brings us to church. It might be someone who talks about their faith with us, someone we can go to when we have a curly question that needs answering, or just someone who takes the time to be with us. But in all this, they are someone who teaches us about God's love by the way they love us and by the way they love others.

You'll have to watch the video by MaTCH to find out the answer to the riddle, how is faith like WIFI?

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Blessing of the Backpacks

 Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Blessing of the Backpacks and our first Awesome Time of 2025.