Sunday, 27 October 2019

Cafe Church 2019

The first Cafe Church in some years was held by Christchurch North Methodist Parish this morning at the Chapel Street Centre. 

It was a fabulous inter-generational service of praise, where people of all ages mixed and created music, art and prayer together in thanks to our awesome God.  We all sat at tables, cafe style, and had our cup of tea or coffee along with cake or cookies, during the service. The tables were covered with newsprint paper, on which we wrote, drew or painted things we were thankful to God for. It was wonderful to see everyone getting involved, mixing, and getting to know one another better, all the while giving thanks and praise to God.

Smith & Co. led our worship at the beginning, with a beautiful rendition of Yet Not I, But Through Christ in Me, and the Chapel Street Band led the congregation in singing One, Two, Three, Alleluia; Psalm 148- Praise the Lord from the Heavens, and How Much am I Worth?

Thanks to Rev Anne for planning such an inspirational and creative worship service, to Merilyn, Dorothy & Noel and co. who worked hard in the kitchen, and to Dave & Richard and all your helpers for moving furniture!

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Blessing of the Backpacks

 Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Blessing of the Backpacks and our first Awesome Time of 2025.