Sunday, 27 October 2019

Cafe Church 2019

The first Cafe Church in some years was held by Christchurch North Methodist Parish this morning at the Chapel Street Centre. 

It was a fabulous inter-generational service of praise, where people of all ages mixed and created music, art and prayer together in thanks to our awesome God.  We all sat at tables, cafe style, and had our cup of tea or coffee along with cake or cookies, during the service. The tables were covered with newsprint paper, on which we wrote, drew or painted things we were thankful to God for. It was wonderful to see everyone getting involved, mixing, and getting to know one another better, all the while giving thanks and praise to God.

Smith & Co. led our worship at the beginning, with a beautiful rendition of Yet Not I, But Through Christ in Me, and the Chapel Street Band led the congregation in singing One, Two, Three, Alleluia; Psalm 148- Praise the Lord from the Heavens, and How Much am I Worth?

Thanks to Rev Anne for planning such an inspirational and creative worship service, to Merilyn, Dorothy & Noel and co. who worked hard in the kitchen, and to Dave & Richard and all your helpers for moving furniture!

Friday, 25 October 2019

Café Church this Sunday!

Join us this Sunday for Café Church at the Chapel Street Centre!
All-age worship service, including great music, tea & coffee, food, and the chance to get creative with paint to praise our awesome God!

Sunday, 20 October 2019

CHYPS #Selfie Scavenger Hunt Edition

Our CHYPS team enjoyed a Selfie Scavenger Hunt tonight, where they had to create certain photos and videos - everything from 'Your team in water', to 'Something that will look awesome in slow motion', to 'Kidnap a member from another team and take a photo with them'. The results are compiled in the video above. Enjoy!

Oh, and as for the winning team...

Congratulations to Izak's team, who took it out with 3900 points! (Although we have to give Monica's team special mention for the cool slow motion video using the water balloon and scissors! Great production, team!)

Saturday, 19 October 2019

Give Thanks

Last week our Awesome Kids heard the story of the ten lepers. In our video below, our intrepid roving reporter, Roslind, interviews some of our Awesome Kids & Youth.

Brought to you by MaTCH (Media and Tech at Chapel Street).

Friday, 18 October 2019

Grand Designs at FISH

Here are a few photos from our last FISH night - the LEGO EDITION.
It was so good to see all the amazing teamwork going on, and everyone working together on challenges - all ages getting involved. There were some pretty crazy creations by the end of the night - definitely worthy of Grand Designs!

Saturday, 12 October 2019

FISH: Lego Edition VIDEO!

Thanks to all of you who came out to our inaugural FISH: Lego Edition, tonight down at the Chapel Street Centre. What an awesome night!

The teams rose to every challenge, tackling each activity with grim determination, fabulous creativity and engineering skills, and wonderful teamwork.

From the 'Find the Lego' Memory Cup Challenge, to the Colour Tower Challenge, to the Lego Quiz to the penultimate Grand Design Challenge... you were stars.

Click below to watch a short video with some of the highlights. Photos will be coming soon!

Faith is like WIFI...

Last Sunday our Awesome Kids gave thanks for the special people in our lives who have shown us how to live in God's way. Perhaps they are a family member, friend, teacher, Awesome Time teacher, Youth Group leader, minister, or a special friend at church.

They are the people who get to know us, who care about us, listen to us, show us understanding and love. They might be someone who prayer for us, or tells us stories from the Bible, or someone who brings us to church. It might be someone who talks about their faith with us, someone we can go to when we have a curly question that needs answering, or just someone who takes the time to be with us. But in all this, they are someone who teaches us about God's love by the way they love us and by the way they love others.

You'll have to watch the video by MaTCH to find out the answer to the riddle, how is faith like WIFI?

Sunday, 6 October 2019

FISH - LEGO Edition!

Join us at the Chapel Street Centre next

Saturday 12 October
5pm to 7pm



Bring your own dinner for you and your family. Ice-cream and chocolate fish provided afterwards. Enjoy all-age games and challenges, with the inaugural FISH - Lego Edition! 
(No previous Lego experience necessary. All welcome - all ages!)

Saturday, 5 October 2019

A cat, a bear and a dog

Just found this pic from last Sunday's Blessing of the Animals. The lovely border collie Ruby seemed very happy with all the attention. 😊

Blessing of the Backpacks

 Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Blessing of the Backpacks and our first Awesome Time of 2025.