Saturday, 10 August 2019

Hi God, it's Me

Our Awesome Kids talked about how we communicate with God. Is there a special way to pray? Do you have to have big, long words? Do you have to be in a certain place, or sit or kneel a certain way? Eyes open or closed? 

Do you have to use a special code to talk to God? Mel tried walkie-talkies, cell phone, a big thick thesaurus, a code-cracker and secret spy writing... but the Awesome Kids had the answer: 

You don't need any of these things to talk to God. You just need to say, "Hi God, it's me." God knows us, everything about us, and all that is going on in our life. All we need to do is to check in with God, tell Him how we're feeling, chat to Him just like you would your best friend or family member. God is always listening.

Check out the cool artwork in the Chapel Street Gallery - we experimented with different ways of communicating, using crayon resist and watercolour paint. We also tried some secret spy lemon juice writing, but Mel learnt the hard way not to hold the paper too close to the flame! Oops!

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Blessing of the Backpacks

 Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Blessing of the Backpacks and our first Awesome Time of 2025.