Monday, 26 August 2019

CHYPS - Chapel Street Young People

Report on last CHYPS night:

Last Saturday at CHYPS we had an epic game of Hide'n'Seek. We played some variations on the traditional 'oldie but a goodie'. The blackout edition, where we turned out all the lights in the complex was awesome. And eventually everyone was found!

Enzro told us some stories of when he was a child, including how he was afraid of the dark for many years. We heard some really bad Dad jokes, and some good ones too - thanks to Ruard and everyone who contributed! Roslind and Enzro finished off our God-time with an awesome song, and it was great to see some of our youth singing along.

Thanks to Anne (Jack's Mum) and Carol for serving up a delicious supper of hot savouries, chocolate fish and chocolate cupcakes - delicious!

Hope you all have an awesome month, until the next CHYPS... go well and remember that you're pretty special, and God loves you just the way you are. :o)

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Blessing of the Backpacks

 Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Blessing of the Backpacks and our first Awesome Time of 2025.