Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Library Lions

Check out the 'Library Lion' themed artwork, created by our Awesome Kids. The lions remind us of the story we heard on Sunday, and that God loves us every day, everywhere, all of the time. Jesus wants us to show God's love to others, wherever we go, each day of the week. We need to be BOLD and be KIND, living in God's love every day.

Thanks to MaTCH - Izak and Jack, for the awesome video!

Be bold and be kind

We read Library Lion by Michelle Knudsen. When a lion visits the library, no one knows what to do: there are no rules about lions in the library. But soon he's indispensable - "What a helpful lion," people say. "How did we ever get along without him?" But one day the head librarian falls and breaks her arm, and the only way the lion can get help is to roar. And that is breaking the rules. The next day the lion doesn't come to the library, nor the next day, nor the day after that - until Mr McBee finds him and tells him that sometimes there is a very good reason to break the rules - even in the library!

In the bible story from the book of Luke, chapter 13: 10-17, we read about Jesus healing a bent over woman on the Sabbath, breaking the rule.

We were reminded that God loves us all the time, every day, and Jesus wants us to share God’s love with others - every day too. 

We talked about being BOLD like the Library Lion, going out of our way to help others, show kindness and the love of God - anywhere, any day, anytime.

Monday, 26 August 2019

CHYPS - Chapel Street Young People

Report on last CHYPS night:

Last Saturday at CHYPS we had an epic game of Hide'n'Seek. We played some variations on the traditional 'oldie but a goodie'. The blackout edition, where we turned out all the lights in the complex was awesome. And eventually everyone was found!

Enzro told us some stories of when he was a child, including how he was afraid of the dark for many years. We heard some really bad Dad jokes, and some good ones too - thanks to Ruard and everyone who contributed! Roslind and Enzro finished off our God-time with an awesome song, and it was great to see some of our youth singing along.

Thanks to Anne (Jack's Mum) and Carol for serving up a delicious supper of hot savouries, chocolate fish and chocolate cupcakes - delicious!

Hope you all have an awesome month, until the next CHYPS... go well and remember that you're pretty special, and God loves you just the way you are. :o)

Friday, 23 August 2019

CHYPS Youth Group

Calling all intermediate and high school youth...

Join us at CHYPS (Chapel Street Young People)
this Saturday 24 August
6.30pm to 8pm


The biggest, best, game of Hide'n'Seek. Ever.
Be prepared for twists on the version you know!

Enjoy this, and other great games, along with a scrummy supper, God-Time and chillin' with the CHYPS crew. Oh, and Ruard might have a few Dad-jokes for us during suppertime.

Tuesday, 20 August 2019

Chapel Street's Got Talent!

A couple of weeks ago we had our annual Parish Concert at the Chapel Street Centre. It was great to see and hear an awesome range of talents shared by members of the Christchurch North Methodist Parish.

Rachel on oboe

Jazz Combo

Dave and Monica

Roslind and Enzro

Izak on drums

Bev on keys

Mel, Monica, Roslind and Enzro (Jazz Combo)

Roslind and Enzro

Mel & Monica

Instrument change!

Roslind and Enzro

The Choir

Monday, 19 August 2019

Helping hands

Remembering and celebrating all those who have helped us along the way in our faith journey.

Sunday, 11 August 2019

CHYPS update

A couple of months ago, our Youth Group, CHYPS (Chapel Street Young People's group) met at the Chapel Street Centre for a fun night of games and challenges, not to mention a scrummy supper!

Best Album Cover

One of the many challenges for our teams at FISH last night, was to create the best album cover. The teams had ten minutes to come up with a name for their album, create an image and photograph it. Here are three rather awesome looking covers. I wonder what their music would be like?

Saturday, 10 August 2019

Hi God, it's Me

Our Awesome Kids talked about how we communicate with God. Is there a special way to pray? Do you have to have big, long words? Do you have to be in a certain place, or sit or kneel a certain way? Eyes open or closed? 

Do you have to use a special code to talk to God? Mel tried walkie-talkies, cell phone, a big thick thesaurus, a code-cracker and secret spy writing... but the Awesome Kids had the answer: 

You don't need any of these things to talk to God. You just need to say, "Hi God, it's me." God knows us, everything about us, and all that is going on in our life. All we need to do is to check in with God, tell Him how we're feeling, chat to Him just like you would your best friend or family member. God is always listening.

Check out the cool artwork in the Chapel Street Gallery - we experimented with different ways of communicating, using crayon resist and watercolour paint. We also tried some secret spy lemon juice writing, but Mel learnt the hard way not to hold the paper too close to the flame! Oops!

Thursday, 8 August 2019

M & Ms

A few weeks back, we had the story of Jesus visiting with Mary and Martha. Our Awesome Kids learnt about hospitality, and especially enjoyed the M&Ms (Marys and Marthas).

Thanks to MaTCH for the video :o)

Friday, 2 August 2019

FISH... Task Master Edition

Join us for FISH next weekend... Saturday 10th August
5pm to 7pm
Bring your own tea (pizza, picnic, fish'n'chips... whatever you like)

Join us for some hilarious team challenges,
followed by ice-cream and chocolate fish.

Blessing of the Backpacks

 Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Blessing of the Backpacks and our first Awesome Time of 2025.