Sunday, 27 August 2017

Girl Power!

This morning our young people acted out a skit of the story from the bible about 'Moses in the Bulrushes'. I think the story is very cool, as the heroes are actually heroines, two young girls, whose bravery and defiance and very radical plan led to saving the life of a precious baby. This baby grew up to be a very important person, who led a whole bunch of people from slavery into freedom. The courageous actions of these two young people - the quick thinking of the sister Miriam and the compassion of the Pharaoh's (king's) daughter - changed the course of history.

It is a great reminder to each of us, that with God's help we can be brave and in tricky, slippery, 'down-in-the-bulrushes' situations, even if it feels like the world is against us, we can do the right thing and make good choices, loving choices.

We made play-dough representations of the 'baby Moses in the bulrushes', there were some very interesting interpretations - even a Moses who bore a striking similarity to Ed Sheeran, complete with guitar.

We also decorated baskets, to remind us of the bravery of the Mum, the sister and the princess.

Monday, 21 August 2017

Youth Service Report

The youth and young adults from Christchurch North Methodist Parish led the church service on Sunday. The theme was '3,2,1... UNITE!', based on the Ephesians 4:1-16 reading, One Body, Many Parts.

The young people planned, prepared and delivered an awesome service, leading the prayers, readings, reflection and worship music.

They did an outstanding job - the music in particular was fantastic, and there were many who were reaching for the tissues during the beautiful solo by Roslind. So moving.

You can view photos by going to the link below. We will upload some short video clips soon. Enjoy!

Sunday, 20 August 2017

FISH Report - Taskmaster edition

Tom's spectacular bow and arrow!

Last night was FISH, our special Taskmaster edition. We split into two teams and were given a variety of bizarre and hilarious challenges, each team earning points depending on how well the Taskmaster (Rev Neti) thought they did.

The first challenge was the Prize Challenge. People were invited to bring something they had made themselves, to try and impress the Taskmaster. Their items were scored according to how impressive Neti deemed them to be and they were awarded points for their teams.

Rev Neti gives Lily's hat the thumbs up!
Here are some of the items...
- gooey caramel cookies
- white chocolate Russian fudge
- bow and arrow
- a fairy patient and fairy doctor
- a hand decorated balloon face
- chocolate chip cookies
- paper sun visor (with bonus safety feature: rear reflector)
- poi (demonstrated beautifully)
- robot paper weight
- framed sketch of a lion
- Philomena (60 minutes of her time)

Many of the items were sold by silent auction this morning... the biggest ticket item being 60 Minutes with Philomena!

All proceeds from our auction are going to the Parsonage Fund.

Other challenges from FISH night included:
* Pea in a Cup (throw a pea into a cup from the greatest distance away)
* Footloose (follow a course through the hall, kitchen, hallway and back to the Taskmaster in the fewest steps possible)
* FISH Marketing (make a video ad for FISH, in 10 minutes)
* Treasure Hunt (follow the clues to find the combination to unlock the padlock to the lollie tin)
* Ice Breaker (melt an ice-cube in the fastest time)

Treasure Hunters in the kitchen!

Emelia found a clue!
Click HERE for more PHOTOS

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Dream big!

 Check out the fabulous pillow cases, decorated by Spencer and Andrew last Sunday.

We heard stories about Joseph, and dreams... and were reminded that God is with us, loving us and guiding us all the time, even when we are asleep.

We need to remember to listen to God's voice in everything we do, and let God help us make the right choices.

Tuesday, 15 August 2017

FISH night - Taskmaster

Challenge No.1:  The Prize Task
Bring something you have made yourself, which will impress the Taskmaster. The item judged the most impressive will earn head-start points for your team. All items will go to     silent auction at church the next day, proceeds going to the parsonage fund.

Monday, 14 August 2017

Church Camp Videos

Here they are... what you've all been waiting for! The videos from this year's Parish Camp. Videos 1 and 2 are shortened versions which include clips of a variety of events. If you want the full waterslide and concert videos, check them out below. Enjoy!

Part 1: including Saturday morning activities and 'how to pitch a tent'!

Part 2: including waterslide and concert

Part 3: Interviews

Part 4: Waterslide

Part 5: Concert

Apologies, but not all concert items made it onto film, due to a malfunction with the video operator ;o(

Thursday, 10 August 2017

3...2...1... Unite! CHYPS this Saturday night!

Calling all young people in school years 7 and up. It's Youth Group this Saturday night, so join us for CHYPS at the Chapel Street Centre at 6.30pm.

We'll be playing lots of team games, and of course there will be our scrumptious supper afterwards :o) See you there! $2 donation, and all welcome - bring a friend!

Sunday, 6 August 2017

The Great Picnic

A Picnic

This morning we went on a picnic. It took a long while to find the perfect picnic spot, and there were a few arguments along the way.

There were fights over who was going to carry the basket. Then the picnic basket was too heavy. She was always whinging, he was being mean... and so on. Sound familiar to anyone? Then... where to have the picnic? One spot was too hot. Another spot had too many mosquitoes. Another place had no wi-fi. And then, we chose a spot with too many people.

Then the worst thing... Mum said we had to share our picnic spot, and share our food! But, was there enough to go around? Well, some of the other picnickers had some food to contribute - and the two troublesome teens had a change of heart and we shared our picnic together. There was chocolate fish, and 'fairy bread' (bread with hundreds and thousands sprinkled on top!)

And guess what? There was plenty to go around. In fact, there was enough left over, to be able to share with the rest of the congregation during morning tea. The arguments stopped (for now...), and everyone put aside their differences to enjoy spending time together at our picnic.

Feeding the Five Thousand

The story from the Bible, of Jesus feeding the Five Thousand, is one we've heard a lot. I love the part where a small boy offers up his basket of five loaves of bread and two fish, which Jesus takes and shares among the hundreds and thousands of people.

What was the biggest miracle - that Jesus was able to change those few loaves of bread into an abundance of food, or for Jesus to change the hearts of the people who were there to teach them how to share? What's the greater miracle for us? For Jesus to do all the work - or for Jesus to change our hearts and enable us to do it?

I think this story teaches us that when we receive the love of Jesus, and give that love freely to others, the love ripples out farther than we could ever imagine. We see the love of Jesus, and the power of that transforming love when people 'break bread together'.

Jesus is Lord

We sang Julie Wylie's song, 'Listen to the Waves, Jesus is Lord', a very cool tune with a groovy swing rhythm (thanks Monica for the awesome bass line, and Izak and Leilani on percussion - Leilani's rain stick really did sound like the waves!)

We thought Julie's song describes some pretty awesome picnic spots, so we used this as inspiration for our artwork. We created collages of picnics, where the waves were "whispering softly, Jesus is Lord", the birds were "singing their praises", "dolphins leaping and diving", "penguins shuffling by the sea" and children "singing and dancing, Jesus is Lord".

Come in and see our finished artworks hanging in the Chapel Street Gallery, and on the pinboards in the Awesome Rooms. A few are photographed below, and you can click on this link for more photos. Enjoy!

And if you managed to get to the bottom of this VERY LONG post, then enjoy this clip of Yogi Bear and the pic-a-nic basket! And remember... "A pic-a-nic basket holds... dreams!" Maybe the next time you go on a pic-a-nic, or watch Yogi Bear, you'll think of Jesus feeding the Five Thousand, and love and compassion and sharing rippling out like waves whispering, "Jesus is Lord".

Friday, 4 August 2017

Oh, the places you'll go!

"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re NOT on your own. God is with you, you know. And God will be with you, wherever you go."

Last week our Campers took the worship service. We brought the service we had at our Parish Family Camp way back in February to the whole congregation.

The theme was that no matter where we go or what we do, God is always with us, loving us always.

Our Chapel Street Band made some wonderful music for God, our team of readers and speakers led us in prayer and bible readings, and our bunch of brilliant actors brought us the Dr Seuss style skit, "Oh, the Places You'll Go".

Keep an eye on this blog, I'll upload camp videos soon!

Licorice ladders!

“Dear God, help me to see that the whole world is your home.”

We heard a story about Jacob, a dream and a ladder. Jacob was feeling lost and alone. Then he had a dream and realised that God was with him, and promised to be with him everwhere.

We made licorice and pretzel ladders and dream-catchers. You can see more photos by clicking HERE.

Playing fair

Over the past few weeks we have been learning the story of two brothers who didn't get along with each other very well. Jacob and Esau.

We talked about what is fair, and when things happen that we don't think are very fair, how that makes us feel.

We played games involving lots of running around, balloons, and fair play.

click HERE for more Awesome Time photos

Blessing of the Backpacks

 Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Blessing of the Backpacks and our first Awesome Time of 2025.