Thursday, 18 June 2015

Fancy Dress Theme?

Musikool Kids has an end of term fancy dress day on Friday 3 July.

In the past we have had lots of wonderful themes including Flight, Space, Animals, Fairy-tale or Nursery Rhyme Characters, Pirates & Princesses... what theme shall we have this term?

Send in your ideas by clicking on comments below, or contact me by email, phone, or chat in person at Musikool Kids! If we get lots of ideas we might have a vote to decide!

(You don't need to be signed in or have a google account or profile to make a comment, just click on Name/URL and type in your name, leave the URL box blank.)

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Blessing of the Backpacks

 Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Blessing of the Backpacks and our first Awesome Time of 2025.