Saturday, 27 June 2015

Musikool Kids' Fancy Dress 3 July

The votes are in... the theme for our fancy dress day on Friday is:

from a T.V. show / movie / book / nursery rhyme / fairytale

Friday, 26 June 2015

Fancy Dress at Musikool Kids 3 July

Please vote for your FAVOURITE fancy dress theme by 10am tomorrow. Voting closes at 10am 27/6/15 and we will announce the winning theme on this blog.

The Band

Thanks to musicians Nan, David, Philomena, Monica, Izak and singers James and Dylan... what a band!

Thursday, 25 June 2015

David and Goliath

Last week our Awesome Kids helped in an improvised dramatic retelling of the 'David and Goliath' story. There was much hilarity... actors and props being sourced at a moment's notice from within the congregation. A walking stick was used as a shepherd's crook, a belt and a screwed up bulletin used as slingshot and stone; and Rev Neti assisted Ella to 'grow taller' for her starring role as Goliath. Well done everyone!

Rev Neti assisted actress Ella to 'grow taller' for her role as GOLIATH.

Richard starred as 'David' and other actors and actresses were called in to play the other roles in the story of 'David and Goliath'. 

Thursday, 18 June 2015

Fancy Dress Theme?

Musikool Kids has an end of term fancy dress day on Friday 3 July.

In the past we have had lots of wonderful themes including Flight, Space, Animals, Fairy-tale or Nursery Rhyme Characters, Pirates & Princesses... what theme shall we have this term?

Send in your ideas by clicking on comments below, or contact me by email, phone, or chat in person at Musikool Kids! If we get lots of ideas we might have a vote to decide!

(You don't need to be signed in or have a google account or profile to make a comment, just click on Name/URL and type in your name, leave the URL box blank.)

Sunday, 14 June 2015

Building a Bridge

This morning we were lucky to have a visit from Rev Alan Webster.

Rev Webster brought in a large piece of timber and we all wondered what on earth he was going to do with it. In no time, the timber had turned into a bridge, and Dylan volunteered to walk across it. 

But, before he could, a number of others were required to help. Some reliable assistants were needed at each end, to make sure the bridge didn't tip up; strong people were needed to make sure the bridge didn't wobble; tall people were needed either side to help Dylan balance; people with a sharp eye were needed to look out for nails and other hazards - all worked together to help Dylan get from one side to the other, safely.

It was a little bit like our church. We need all sorts of people to help our church keep moving and growing. Whether we are small, tall, old or young - we are each called to do our bit, and God uses each one of us in different ways. And God is with us every step, every stumble, every cartwheel of the way!

And we sang, "God has the whole world in His hands, from the itsy tiny babies, to the grandmas and the grandpas; from the elephants and the buffaloes, to the runners and the gymnasts."

Saturday, 13 June 2015

Sound Poetry

Check out these amazing sound poems written by our very own Awesome Kids.

Sunday, 7 June 2015

What We Hear

Before the service, I recorded a number of our parishioners giving messages to our children. I then played the messages to the Awesome Kids (audio only, no visual) and they tried to work out who was speaking. They did really well and knew almost all of the voices.

This morning was all about listening

Our service began with an invisible minister! We could hear Neti, but we couldn't see him. We wondered if due to the earlier than usual start of today's service perhaps Neti was still in his pyjamas and that was why he was hiding in the kitchen! 

But seriously... we explored what it is to listen for God's voice and that God talks to us in many different ways... but are we listening?

We can "listen" to God by reading and listening to stories from the Bible;
God will "speak" to us through others (our minister, Awesome Leaders, family members, friends and our church family;
God will "speak" to us through the Holy Spirit... for some of us this is like a 'thought' popping into our head... or a feeling deep inside our heart. It could be a message from God, or it could be your own thought, or it might just be a good idea. It is up to us to work out what is from God.

Saturday, 6 June 2015

Bitzer bikes and gunpowder

Fred - storyteller extraordinaire!
Last night Marcia and Fred hosted a family fish'n'chip tea at their home. It was a fantastic opportunity for young and old to get together and have FUN! Among members from our parish family were three friends from the highlands of Papua New Guinea.

Fred entertained (and educated) his young audience with stories of what he got up to when he was a kid. The boys were captivated by Fred's tales of tearing downhill on "bitzer" bikes (overtaking cars!) and making gunpowder!

Thank you Fred, Marcia and family, for a wonderful evening. We look forward to many more!

Friday, 5 June 2015


This report from last week's Awesome Time comes from Sue... thanks Sue!

WOW!!!  We had a great morning this morning!!!  :-)

FBI - Top Secret

The case - Who did their homework?

Agent in charge - Carol Barron - who delegated Agent Philomena - complete with bullet-proof vest, handcuffs, and gun - to oversee the mission in her absence.

The mission - interrogate suspects (using force if necessary) and gather evidence to find out who has done their homework!

Our Awesome Kids did a fantastic job of locating all of our suspects - even when they tried to escape out the door!!!

The homework?  What is God's spirit saying to you?

We found out from our suspects that God had called ALL of them to do various jobs - some were called into big jobs, like ministry, others had jobs involving their talents, like music, while others were called to help others, spread love, and be the best kinds of people they could be.  The Awesome Kids, when asked to sum up what they had found out, said the one thing they all had in common was that they were called by God - our suspects knew it was God because it felt right in their hearts.

Then we watched a short video clip about Hannah Taylor.  When she was 5 she saw a homeless person in the street.  This worried her.  When she was 6 she decided she had to do something about it, and started trying to raise money to help the homeless.  When she was 8, the ladybug foundation was started, which raises money to help charities that are helping the homeless - $30,000 had already been raised!  Now, Hannah is 19, and the foundation has raised over $3,000,000!

Upstairs, we made some ladybug jars.  Hannah used hers to raise money.  We talked about what we could use ours for..  One of the suggestions was to use it as a lolly jar - and for each lolly we ate, we could give one away.  We also talked about what we could do to help God - maybe we could sit with someone who is alone at school, or invite someone over to play a game with us, or maybe we can just share a smile with someone who looks sad.

Blessing of the Backpacks

 Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Blessing of the Backpacks and our first Awesome Time of 2025.