Friday, 30 May 2014

Happy Birthday!

Happy 1st birthday Emelia
and happy 3rd birthday Ben!
Emelia's mum brought a scrummy chocolate cake to Musikool Kids this morning. (If we're lucky, she might share her recipe with us!)

Here are Emelia and Ben with Riley Rabbit, having Happy Birthday sang to them.

Happy Birthday also to Erin... Tom was very quick to inform us that it is also  his big sister Erin's birthday, who has been at school for a whole year now! (Wow, how quick they grow!)

Where was Horace?

Horace the teddy bear loves to play hide 'n' seek. 

Over the past few weeks, we have enjoyed singing "Where is Horace?" as we searched for him. 

Where was Horace hiding this morning at Musikool Kids?

Leon and Dominic were quick to spot sneaky Horace hiding on the bookshelf!

Here is Horace, enjoying
his parachute ride!
Izak had a teacher only day at school
so was able to come along and help out!
Bob and Dave on bubble duty!

Sunday, 25 May 2014

The blind men and the elephant

This morning, Carol and Sue shared the story of 'The Blind Men and the Elephant' to explain what it's like for us getting to know God. There are some things we know about God, (God created the universe, God is powerful, God is good and God loves us), but there is a lot we don't know about God.

There was a lot of lively discussion among the Awesome Kids as to who God is, and they produced some very creative collages each symbolising their own unique idea of what God is to them.

You can watch the video of 'The Blind Men and the Elephant' here:

Here are a couple
of our collages,
representing some
of our ideas of what 
God might look like. 

Sunday, 18 May 2014

NZ Sign Language Week

It's NZ Sign Language Week and we had great fun learning to sign this:

Happy Birthday Spencer!

Here's a video especially for Ray all the way over in Sweden, so he can see us celebrating his brother's birthday! Enjoy!

Never give up!

This morning we went on a treasure hunt, looking for pieces of a bible reading which were hidden in the St Joseph's school playground. There were 20 parts to look for, and it was great that we had some very good searchers, who never gave up (because Merilyn & Melanie had forgotten where they had hidden them all!) We found every last one, and here's what the message said:

God, you’re my cave to hide in,
my cliff to climb.
Be my safe leader,
be my true mountain guide.
You are a rock, a safe place for me.
I’ve put my life in your hands.
You won’t drop me,
you’ll never let me down.
    from Psalm 31:1-5 (adapted)

Enjoy watching our video below... and remember: Be brave. Be strong. Don’t give up.

Monday, 12 May 2014

New Mothers' Day Video Premieres!!!

About four years ago, some of the kids from our parish made a video for the mums. They answered the following questions:
   1. Why did God make mothers?
   2. What is your mum good at?
   3. What do you love most about your mum?
   4. Have you got a message for your mum?

You can watch this video by clicking on this link: Mothers' Day Video 2010

And this Mothers' Day, during morning worship we premiered the 2014 version. It was incredible to see just how much you children have grown up over the last few years! You can watch the 2014 video by clicking on this link: Mothers' Day Video 2014

Sunday, 11 May 2014

For all the mums

During Awesome Time today, the kids decorated some delectable heart-shaped biscuits (Thanks Amy for baking them!) The biscuits were sprinkled with 'hundreds and thousands', to thank all the mums for all the hundreds and thousands of things they've done for their children! On behalf of all the mums, THANK YOU kids, that was wonderful!

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Musikool Kids starts back tomorrow!

Can't wait to see you all again tomorrow at Musikool Kids. Hope you've all had lovely holidays.  

If you have a song request for the coming weeks, please let me know.

See you soon!

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Fakame - White Sunday

Fakame celebrations with our Awesome Kids

The first Sunday in May is Fakame (White Sunday) in Tonga. We acknowledged and celebrated Fakame with Andrew and Spencer, Netili and Tomas. Spencer carried the special candle up to the front, and Andrew lit it (with some help from his dad), and their mum and dad said some special prayers.

Here is Rev Neti explaining Fakame:

Spencer and Andrew and their mum and dad start the service, with the lighting of the candle: click "play" below, or click on this link to watch a higher quality video: Fakame - lighting the candle

Richard told the story from the bible of The Road to Emmaus, then we went on our own "Emmaus walk" around the neighbourhood. Click here to watch a video of our walk.

Emmaus Walk

Friday, 2 May 2014

Wear white this Sunday!

This Sunday Funday, Richard and Jillian are your Awesome Leaders and have a bit of a problem they need your help with. It’s all a bit of a puzzle, with a mysterious missing piece... can we solve it? YES WE CAN!

This Sunday is also “Fakame”, which might sound like a bit of a mystery to most of us... but as Netili, Tomas, Spencer & Andrew know,  Fakame is White Sunday, a Tongan tradition. In Tonga, Fakame is the first Sunday in May where everyone dresses in white and celebrates the knowledge the kids and youth have about Jesus.

You’re all invited to come dressed in white – it could be a bit of a challenge for some of us! I’m off to hunt around in my wardrobe now!

Have a great day tomorrow, I know lots of winter sports starts up again tomorrow – have fun and tell us on Sunday all about your games and holiday news!

Blessing of the Backpacks

 Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Blessing of the Backpacks and our first Awesome Time of 2025.