Sunday, 16 June 2024

Seeds of Peace and Justice

We heard two parables Jesus told about seed planting. In one the farmer scatters the seed and God makes the seed grow. In the other, a tiny mustard seed is planted, and grows to become the tallest in the garden. 

A tiny seed can become a massive tree.

Seeds and people have a lot in common. Every flower, leaf, vegetable, plant - is different. Each looks different and has a different purpose. Each grows at different rates, times and has different needs. Just like us. 

We can plant seeds of compassion and kindness and seeds of peace and justice.  These seeds may be small acts, but with God they can become huge.

Prayer: God, you love each of us, no matter who we are or what we can do. Encourage us to share love with others this week and welcome those who don’t always feel included. Amen.

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Blessing of the Backpacks

 Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Blessing of the Backpacks and our first Awesome Time of 2025.