Sunday, 27 August 2023

Lego and Geese

Do you like playing with Lego or building blocks? You can make all sorts of amazing creations. 

If I gave you one block, do you think you could build an awesome house with it?

No, of course you couldn't! You’d need more blocks. All sorts of blocks. Different sizes, shapes, colours. Blocks that have different functions. What a silly goose I am for thinking you could make something with just that one block.

And that brings me to geese - who aren't silly at all. Do you know that geese fly in a V formation? Scientists have discovered that as each goose flaps its wings, it provides lift to the goose following. It gives the geese 70% more flying range when they fly in a V formation. When the lead goose (who is working harder than the rest) gets tired, they fall back and another goose takes its place. What awesome teamwork! 

You might also have noticed that as the geese fly, they do a lot of honking. They do this to encourage each other. I know when I'm doing something difficult, I often need a lot of encouragement! 

Today, our Awesome Kids practiced 'teamwork' and used their individual gifts and talents to work together to create some cool Lego monsters and amazing backdrops. Check out the photos below, which were also taken by Beth and James.

As we were working, we made sure to do lots of "honking" (encouragement) to help one another along.

Afterwards, our resident Lego master builder, Catherine, shared these photographs of her epic Lego builds:


Let us pray,
Dear Lord, Help us to use the gifts you gave us, to help and encourage one another. Amen.

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Blessing of the Backpacks

 Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Blessing of the Backpacks and our first Awesome Time of 2025.