Sunday, 14 May 2023

Happy Mothers' Day!

This morning we learnt that there are many different names for God. Sometimes God is referred to as a king, a shepherd and even a rock. Many people call God 'Father', but did you know that God is also like a Mother?

In the bible, in the book of Matthew (chapter 23, verse 37), it talks about God being like a mother hen, 'gathering her brood under her wings'. In Isaiah 40:11, 'God tends the flock like a shepherd; and gathers the lambs with gentle arms and carries them close to the heart'. 

We shared the brand new book 'Mumapalooza' by NZ author and illustrators Sarina Dickson and Ant Sang. It's a wonderful celebration of all the mums and mother-like figures in our lives.

With 'gentle hands' we played the game of 'Pick Up Sticks', and created some beautiful framed artwork for a treasured mum.

Loving, gentle, caring God,
Thank you for loving us always, no matter where we are. 
Thank you for the special people in our lives who love us;
For the mums, dads, stepparents, foster parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles… 
for everyone who gathers us in with gentleness and love 
and carries us close to the heart, just like you.
Help us to show them how much we love them too.

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Blessing of the Backpacks

 Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Blessing of the Backpacks and our first Awesome Time of 2025.