Sunday, 27 February 2022

Shine Bright like the Son!

This week's Awesome Time Online is about something pretty awesome that happened to Jesus... and what it means for us.

Haha... those lights! Not the ones I'd originally intended to use... we had a few technical issues (isn't that always the way with Christmas tree lights!) Anyway, I thought the lights were a good reminder of the message in this week's bible story. 

We are called, as the body of Christ, to shine like Jesus, sharing God’s grace and love to the world. In the circle of grace and warmth of God’s love… and through the light of Jesus, we are powered to spread and share that amazing love. God wants us to shine bright, reflect the Son (S-O-N), and spread God’s never-ending love with others.

You can watch a cool video about the bible story of the transfiguration of Jesus by clicking here:

Or, you can watch this Lego version by clicking here:

Activity Challenge:

I love the Lego bible story... who doesn't like playing with Lego? You can take a bunch of random blocks and create the most incredible things. Transforming a pile of ordinary little bricks into something quite marvellous, is quite a cool link to the transfiguration story. 

Your challenge, should you choose to accept it... is to create your own transformation 'story'. Begin by taking a photo of your pile or box of bricks (if you don't have lego, you could use books, tin cans or other recyclables, or paper or card). Next, transform your stuff into something spectacular! Take a photo. Send your 'before' and 'after' photos to me, and we'll post them on the blog.

Let it remind us that God's awesome love can transform us, and by shining the love and light of Jesus wherever we go, we can help make the world a brighter place.

Try your hand at this week's word puzzle... click HERE


Here's a cool prayer Anne found for us... written by Bruce Prewer:

Shiny, Like Jesus

Dear God,
When will people become more love-shiny, 
like Jesus?

I hope it won't be too long,
'cos things are in a big mess here on Earth.

Please put the Spirit of Jesus into billions of hearts,
so that his shininess can change us from inside out.

You know, You can start with me and my mates,
if You like?


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Blessing of the Backpacks

 Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Blessing of the Backpacks and our first Awesome Time of 2025.