Monday, 14 December 2020

Nativity Service 2020

On Sunday 13 December, worship at the Chapel Street Centre was led entirely by the young people. The children and youth from Christchurch North Methodist Parish and community shared the story of the nativity.

There were dazzling angels, sleepy shepherds, wise star-watchers and even a cranky donkey - (a puppet operated expertly by nine year old ventriloquist, Lily). Mary and Joseph were doting ‘parents’ to a very bonny ‘baby Jesus’ and as the photos show, Joseph was a very ‘hands-on’ Dad.

The theme was ‘Counting on Christmas’, and there was a lot of counting throughout the story. Mary counted the time until the birth of her baby. The miles to Bethlehem were counted, as were the donkey’s footsteps and the twinkling stars. The angelic narrators reminded everyone that in the countdown to Christmas we know through Jesus’ birth, life, death and resurrection, we know we can count on God. So we celebrated the miracle and mystery of the gift of God’s own Son, who brings us light, love, joy, hope and peace. 

The service ended with an upbeat Christmas song, led by the Chapel Street Band, bubbles and balloons.

The Christmas 2020 Movie, created by the children and youth was premiered. You can watch it at the following link:

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Blessing of the Backpacks

 Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Blessing of the Backpacks and our first Awesome Time of 2025.