Saturday, 19 September 2020

Wilderness Sunday | Te Wiki o te Reo Māori


Te Wiki o te Reo Māori

Kia ora! This week is Te Wiki o te Reo Māori | Maori Language Week. I had hoped to get out and about and record some of you singing a waiata for our Digital Awesome Time, however have not been able to manage that this week. Perhaps some of you might like to email or message me with your own recording?

You can check out a recording with lyrics to Tutira Mai Nga Iwi at this link. Give it a go!

How about learning and practicing your Maori alphabet and pronunciation? Check out this link for more.

This is a great website for learning some new words... there are 365 listed here - you could try a new one each day of the year! Click HERE for 365 Maori words.

Wilderness Sunday

It is Wilderness Sunday in our series of creation. In today's bible reading, Paul remembers the walk across the hot, sandy desert wilderness. He remembered going to places where people wanted to hear about God's love. The wilderness is a wild place, but it's a special place too. The animals and plants in the wilderness don't need people. Unfortunately, people can disturb the natural environment, the life cycle. This week we can remember that God is with us in every place in the world - in quiet places, busy places, wild places and beautiful places. God needs us to respect and show kindness to the awesome world God has created. 

We thank God for the wild places in the world. We remember that we are part of God's giant web of creation. May we remember that God's hope is in us and all around us.

Children Like You

We can work with God to bring signs of God's hope to a hurting world. All around the world, children like YOU are working in and with their communities to do amazing things.

On the news this week there was a great story about a young man who saw an elderly lady mowing her lawn. He stopped, took the lawnmower from her and insisted on finishing mowing her lawn for her. When he was done, he got in his car and drove off. He did not expect to be paid or rewarded for his act of kindness. I thought this was a pretty cool story to make national TV. I hope it has inspired many others to look for ways they can show kindness in their community.

Where do you see a need? What can you do to help?

A Story of Hope

Monica was part of a Lockdown Voices | Speak Out project, through the Write On / School for Young Writers. Students were asked to write a response to the pandemic and their experience of Lockdown. Monica's piece has been published and recorded as a podcast, aired on Plains FM 96.9FM radio this morning. You can read and listen to her story here:

Lockdown Voices | Monica | Standing at Dawn

Saturday, 12 September 2020

D.A.T. 18 | LAND Sunday | Tongan Language Week


Mālō e lelei! Hello!

Tongan Language Week / Uike Kātoanga’i ‘o e Lea Faka-Tonga is held every year during September. This week we have some very special helpers to celebrate this, as well as Land Sunday.

This week we think about how important the land is... and celebrate God's beautiful creation. We are part of this and are connected with God's creation. We remember that with God's help, just like the land, we can heal and grow.

Check out the video below, and enjoy the beautiful Tongan singing from Peatalisa, Tevunga and Angie... and the tour of the vegetable garden and glasshouse. We also pay a visit to the O'Keefes and meet their hens.

The second song the girls sing, is very special to the Vaea family. It was Samu's grandma's favourite hymn, which she used to sing to Angie when she was a baby. Samu's mum taught Angie and Peatalisa, and Samu is now teaching 'Emeline and Tevunga. The translation is something like this... "Lord hear my prayer, At this hour, Take my sins away, Prepare me for heaven."


1. This week you might like to take a photo or draw a picture of something awesome you have discovered in your garden. 

2. Help out in the garden. You might like to do some weeding, or help with planting or watering.

3. Learn some Tongan! Do some research and learn a Tongan word or phrase. We'd love you to share it with us.

4. Try this week's Awesome Time Quiz:


Friday, 4 September 2020

D.A.T. 17 | Forest Sunday

This Sunday is both Forest Sunday and Spring Flower Sunday. We can find God's beauty, mystery, and majesty in the trees and flowers. We can see, hear and feel God's presence in the wind, the ferns, the flowers and in the forest. 

The environment has heaps to teach us. From the forest, we can learn about the web of connection that binds all creation together with our awesome Creator God. We can rejoice in the wonder of God's creation and know that we have a special place in it.




There are heaps of cool activities on the Kiwi Conservation Club website. You can check them out here:

Here are some of my favourite tree activites... see how many you can do!


1. Go on a tree hunt. Meet a type of tree you haven't met before. Take a photo with it, find out what kind of tree it is.

2. Find something living in a tree.

3. Find a tree that provides us with food.

4. Find a tree that has interesting bark. Use some paper and a crayon to make a rubbing of the bark's pattern.

5. Find a tree you think is beautiful. Draw or paint a picture of it.

6. Plant something - a tree, a flower, a vegetable... anything!

7. Find some spring flowers and draw or paint a picture of them.

8. Make up a poem, song or rap about TREES or SPRING.

9. Find some TREE JOKES (that are better than mine!)

    Why do trees hate riddles? Because it's too easy to get stumped.

    How do trees go on the internet? They log on.

    Why don't you ever see hippos hiding in trees? Because they're really good at it!

Blessing of the Backpacks

 Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Blessing of the Backpacks and our first Awesome Time of 2025.