Thursday, 18 June 2020

Even the Hairs on Your Head are Counted

Did you know you are a miracle? It's true! You are an amazing, crazy miracle. You are created in the image of God... in an awesome and wonderful way.

God loves you so much... your hair, your eyes, your smile - are exactly as God designed them to be. An amazing and wonderfully designed miracle... YOU!

God knows you inside and out... even down to the number of hairs on your head.

Hair Art
Try making one of these artworks, using either paint, felt pens / colouring pencils or wool / yarn to create an awesome hairdo.

Draw your face on a large piece of paper.
Using a black pen, divide the rest of the paper into sections,
with lines coming out at all angles from the head.
Fill each section with a different combination of colours and shapes.

Sketch your face onto a large, white sheet of paper.
Cut lengths of wool in different colours.
Twist and curl them around the face, to represent hair. Go crazy!

Use different colours of card or craft paper to create a collage effect person.
Cut lengths of wool and tie them different ways to make a variety of hairstyles.
Glue them onto your collage people.

And now for a blast from the past...

Check out this video we made back in 2016, of some artwork to go with this theme. It would be interesting to re-do the artwork now and see if there are many changes!

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Blessing of the Backpacks

 Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Blessing of the Backpacks and our first Awesome Time of 2025.