Sunday, 28 April 2019

Holy Humour Sunday!

Check out the video below...

Thanks to MATCH
(Media and Tech @ Chapel Street)
for the video this morning

This morning was Holy Humour Sunday. Since the 15th Century, churches have celebrated the Sunday following Easter with Holy Humour Sunday. It is an opportunity for Christians to celebrate the greatest miracle in history - Jesus's resurrection. We have the best reason to be joyful!

It also gives us the opportunity to celebrate, and give thanks for, the times when we have got through troubles and come back from sad moments in our lives, with the help of Jesus's love. It's not to say we can't feel down when things aren't going right... we all have times when we're sad, worried, anxious or angry. Jesus is with us in all of that, right there with us, loving us.

Good humour, laughter, a twinkle in the eye, are one of God's many gifts that help us cope with some struggles in life... especially the smaller, annoying little problems. So, enjoy this little collection of jokes from our Awesome Kids and remember that JESUS is the LIFE of the party!

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Blessing of the Backpacks

 Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Blessing of the Backpacks and our first Awesome Time of 2025.