Sunday, 10 June 2018

The Grandma Test

Wherever you are, there is God.
Remember that God is always with you, helping you to make good choices.

Sometimes God can speak to us when we listen to people who want to help us. Who are some people who can help us listen to God?

They could be a family member, our parents or caregivers, a teacher, minister, friend, or our Awesome Leaders.

When I was growing up, whenever I had decisions and choices to make, I would often ask myself, “What would Grandma do?” Would my actions, my choices, pass “The Grandma Test”? I’ve also heard this in technology talks to school students… ‘Before you post something on the internet, on social media, or play that game or visit that website - think: Would it pass the Grandma Test? Because if you’re not happy for Grandma to see it, then maybe it’s not a good choice.'

So think when you make a decision… is it a Godly choice? Would Jesus approve? If you had Jesus over to your house would you show him that game? Would you make that post on social media or write that comment if Jesus was “following” you? Well Jesus knows every choice you make and every consequence of every action. He wants you to:

Put God in the driver’s seat - let God take the wheel and steer you in the right direction.

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Blessing of the Backpacks

 Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Blessing of the Backpacks and our first Awesome Time of 2025.