Sunday, 24 June 2018

Player of the Day!

Congratulations to Andrew, who was named Player of the Day in his football game yesterday.

This is Andrew's second season of football. I think he must be a natural - maybe one day we'll see him playing for the All Whites!

Well done Andrew, especially playing on such a freezing, frosty morning!

We love to hear good news stories from our Awesome Kids - so keep them coming! It might be that you've discovered a new hobby or talent, or that you performed in a play or concert at school, or did something brave. If you've got something you'd like to share and celebrate with your church whanau, please let me know (Mel).

Saturday, 23 June 2018

Oreos and Ice-blocks at FISH

The Oreo Challenge was one of the many activities our FISH-ers tackled tonight. Michelle and Monica were the champions - both managed to get the oreo cookie from forehead to mouth, without using their hands.

We played a variety of games - some active, like 'Bum-Shuffle-Tag' and a Hunt for Goldilocks and the Three Bears; and some more sedate, like the Detective Game, Bippity Boppity Boo and the Magic Toaster, and Backwards Charades.

Join us next month, July 21 and be part of the FISH fun! Click here to find out more about FISH.

Wednesday, 20 June 2018

Happy School Days

Quade had his last day at Musikool Kids on Friday, and is off to school! It seems like the last five years have just whizzed by so fast. 

Quade planned his last session at Musikool Kids and helped Amanda and Mel to lead the songs. 

Quade is pictured here with Mel's ukulele and wind tube. Quade specifically requested the wind, rain-stick and thunder drum be at his last session. He also included favourites such as Little Drum, Little Clown Dance and the clave sticks and rainbow ring.

Quade finished off the session by reading a book to the group, one of his favourites, "Pete the Cat and His White Shoes". We were all so impressed! 

We think Quade's teacher is extremely lucky to have Quade in her class. 

Quade had already introduced Pete the Cat to our group and we have been enjoying singing along to Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons.

Thanks so much Quade and Vicky, we will miss you tremendously! Happy School Days!

Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes

Saturday, 16 June 2018

Family FISH night June 23

Join us for FISH, a night of fun and games for the whole family. Bring your own dinner (for your family) - fish'n'chips, pizza, picnic, whatever! After we've eaten, we'll move through to the hall for games and activities for all ages. Free ice-cream or ice-block and chocolate fish for dessert!

Monday, 11 June 2018

Congratulations Caleb!

At Christchurch North Methodist Parish we love hearing 'good news' stories. We especially love celebrating with our Awesome Kids when they share what they have been achieving during the week.

Here is a good news story to celebrate.

One of our Awesome Kids, Caleb, had his grading for Martial Arts. He was promoted from Orange Belt to Blue Belt. Well done Caleb! I think he looks very smart in his karate uniform.

We look forward to hearing more exciting news from the young people in our church family. Send Mel an email with any good news or interesting happenings so we can share it with your church community.

Sunday, 10 June 2018

The Grandma Test

Wherever you are, there is God.
Remember that God is always with you, helping you to make good choices.

Sometimes God can speak to us when we listen to people who want to help us. Who are some people who can help us listen to God?

They could be a family member, our parents or caregivers, a teacher, minister, friend, or our Awesome Leaders.

When I was growing up, whenever I had decisions and choices to make, I would often ask myself, “What would Grandma do?” Would my actions, my choices, pass “The Grandma Test”? I’ve also heard this in technology talks to school students… ‘Before you post something on the internet, on social media, or play that game or visit that website - think: Would it pass the Grandma Test? Because if you’re not happy for Grandma to see it, then maybe it’s not a good choice.'

So think when you make a decision… is it a Godly choice? Would Jesus approve? If you had Jesus over to your house would you show him that game? Would you make that post on social media or write that comment if Jesus was “following” you? Well Jesus knows every choice you make and every consequence of every action. He wants you to:

Put God in the driver’s seat - let God take the wheel and steer you in the right direction.

Saturday, 9 June 2018

CHYPS - Chapel Street Young People's YOUTH GROUP

Our CHYPS team - chilling out after an active evening of team building relays, involving ping pong balls, tissues, balloons, hula hoops and paper cups...

Friday, 8 June 2018

Are you listening?

Last Sunday, communicaton was the key. Dave and Heather showed us all sorts of ways to communicate. We learnt about morse code, radio and we made some cup-telephones and "light communicators".

We need to be listening for God's voice in all that we do. God is always with us to guide us through life, we just need to make sure we get the right message. 

Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Happy School Days!

At Musikool Kids this week we farewelled Travis, as he heads off to school next week. Travis has been at Musikool Kids since he was a baby, and his older siblings before him. Travis's mum has been part of the Musikool Kids family for 13 years! Wow! We will really miss your infectious smile and awesome drum beats Travis. We hope you'll be able to come back and visit sometime if you have a teacher-only day!

Happy birthday for next week, and happy school days!

Sunday, 3 June 2018

Chapel Street Art Gallery update

Wow! Our Awesome Kids' artwork looks brilliant in the Chapel Street Gallery.
Come in and check it out!

Friday, 1 June 2018

God's love is immeasurable

Ephesians 3:18

Measuring cups, spoons, rulers, tape measures and even a laser... but nothing could measure how long, how high, how wide or how deep God's love for us is.

Check out these pics from our photo shoot last Sunday. You can see the pictures on our fabulous artwork in the Chapel Street Gallery.

Thanks to photographer Paul and all our amazing Awesome Kids!

Trinity Sunday

Trinity Sunday was messy! Lots of fun was had with gloop and paint.

We talked about God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ) and God the Holy Spirit. God loves us SO much that He sent His Son Jesus to be with us and show the whole world God's amazing love for us.

We measured ingredients to make gloop, we measured how far Caleb could jump, we even used a laser to measure the height of the ceiling in the church! But you know, there is absolutely no possible way to measure just how much God loves us. God's love is immeasurable

Thank you to Bee for organising the 3 GLOOP ingredients, and to Dylan (Dr Gloop) for instructing and supervising in the creating of this fantastically messy substance!

We had a photo shoot with all manner of measuring equipment as props and created some beautiful backgrounds with bright gouache paints. When the photos are cut out we will mount them onto the backgrounds and hang them in the Chapel Street Art Gallery. Keep an eye on the blog for the photos over the coming days. 

Blessing of the Backpacks

 Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Blessing of the Backpacks and our first Awesome Time of 2025.