Sunday, 8 October 2017

Playing by the Rules

This morning in Awesome Time we talked about rules. We discussed a card game, UNO, and unfortunately I had lost the rules. Luckily Caleb knew the game pretty well and was able to fill me in on all those tricky rules like 'change direction', 'pick up 2 cards', 'draw 4' etc.

We heard a story about Moses (Remember him? The baby in the bulrushes?) and how God gave Moses 'the Ten Commandments'. We thought these were kind of like God's 'Top 10' - a list of things we need to remember and use to live our lives by, following in Jesus' footsteps.

We then each created our own board game, inspired by the Ten Commandments. If your counter landed on a square that said you 'did something good', like shared or showed kindness or honesty then you got to move ahead a few spaces on the journey around the board. If you broke one of the commandments, for example didn't listen to your parents, told a lie, or "stole a friend's fidget spinner", then you had to go back a few squares.

You might like to try making your own board game at home - a good activity for a rainy day during the holidays! 

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Blessing of the Backpacks

 Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Blessing of the Backpacks and our first Awesome Time of 2025.