Sunday, 24 July 2016

If Jesus came to your house?

What would you do if Jesus turned up at your house? Would you hide? Scurry down to tidy up your room? Would you offer him a cup of coffee? Show him your tree-hut? Play a game with him? Sing or play a song for him? Ask him heaps of questions?

Last Sunday our Awesome Kids checked out the story in the bible about Jesus visiting the home of Mary and Martha.

It is a story about siblings, choices and consequences. Some choices are better than others, and before we act we need to think carefully about the consequences (what will happen).

Using M&Ms (Marys and Marthas) we answered questions about the Mary & Martha story. We played M&M bingo as well.

Next time you are in the middle of homework, or chores, music or sport practice or just kicking back or playing... remember that Jesus is with you. Share your thanks and your hope with Jesus. You can celebrate the presence of Jesus wherever, whenever and whoever you are... whatever you are doing.

Sunday, 10 July 2016

First performance!

AbsolUKE and friends performed in church for the first time (after only two lessons!). We led the congregation in singing 'If You're Happy and You Know It, pakipaki' as it was Maori Language Week.

Glass painting

On 10 July our Awesome Kids painted glass jars to remind us to always let the love of God shine through us.

Saturday, 9 July 2016

Teddy Bears Galore at Musikool Kids

Our last day of term two at Musikool Kids saw lots of gorgeous teddy bears descend upon us! Everyone brought a teddy bear or special furry friend to dance with. We did the tango, the cha-cha, the Rock-a-bye-your-bear, and some volunteers helped us sing the Goldilocks story.

You can view more photos by clicking here.

AbsolUKE in action

Our ukulele group, AbsolUKE, ably led by Monica began a few weeks back. The first lesson began with a range of ages and abilities, and great enthusiasm! 

Thursday, 7 July 2016

Bring a teddy bear to music

As it is the last day of the term tomorrow we thought we'd have a teddy bear's tango! So, please bring your teddy bear (or any soft toy) to Musikool Kids. See you there! 

Friday, 1 July 2016


FISH NIGHT - Saturday 2 July

Join us for our family social night this Saturday, 5pm-7pm at the Chapel Street Centre. Bring your own tea (pizza or fish'n'chips or picnic etc) and then join in our all-age family games in the hall. Ice-cream (or ice block) and chocolate fish to finish!


Join Monica at 4.30pm on Saturday 2 July at The Chapel Street Centre for a beginners' ukulele lesson. Bring your own uke or borrow one of ours. All welcome!

Five little speckled frogs

This morning five of our Musikool Kids became speckled frogs and made some big splashes in our 'pond'!

Blessing of the Backpacks

 Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Blessing of the Backpacks and our first Awesome Time of 2025.