Sunday, 1 May 2016

All My Favourites

The Search

This morning there was much laughter in church... when Neti had us all on our hands and knees searching underneath our seats for sheets of paper. Those who found one were asked to participate in the leading of the service - prayer, reading etc. The children were especially helpful in the hunt!

You're All My Favourites

Rachel read a story about three bears who each wondered which of them was the Daddy Bear's favourite. In the end they discovered that boy, girl, big, small, patches or no patches... it didn't matter, as their father loved them all just the same. They were all his favourites... just as God loves each of us the same.

Hamish's Prayer

Hamish lead us in prayer, thanking God for being with us always and loving us the same - boy, girl, old, young, short, tall, freckles or no freckles... we are each loved equally by God.

Dream Catchers

Our Awesome Kids made some Native American Dream Catchers - to remind us of the bible story in which Paul and Lydia had dreams and visions. We need to trust in God to be with us always, in the happy times, sad times, scary times... and to listen to what God wants us to do. God is always with us, loving us, no matter what.

Chapel Street Art Gallery

It was also the opening of our Chapel Street Art Gallery... and the self portraits by our Awesome Kids were greatly admired by all. Pop in and check them out yourself!

Marie and Daria admiring the Awesome Kids' artwork

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Blessing of the Backpacks

 Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Blessing of the Backpacks and our first Awesome Time of 2025.