Tuesday, 13 December 2022

Monday, 12 December 2022

Youth Christmas Service


On 11 December, the children and youth from Christchurch North Methodist Parish led a Christmas service at the Chapel Street Centre. 

The theme was ‘Joyful Giving’ and we explored how we can give joyfully; spreading love and hope this Christmas. 

We focussed on the Christian World Service appeal, raising awareness and support for climate action and access to clean water. We were also grateful for donations towards our Support A Family appeal and the child our parish sponsors through World Vision. 

Our young people were generous in sharing their time, gifts and talents to spread the joy of Christmas too. Highlights were our brass ensemble, a sister act singing ‘Silent Night’, and some talented young poets. We’re fairly sure we’re the only church in Aotearoa to have a resident ventriloquist-donkey act! 

We also had the premiere of our 2022 Christmas short-film, which you can watch on YouTube at: 

Here is a link to the service:

or you can watch the full service on our Facebook page:

Massive THANK YOU to all our young people!

Sunday, 11 December 2022

Christmas Movie 2022

This year's Christmas movie is brought to you by the young people of Christchurch North Methodist Parish. Thank you to our Awesome Kids and our Chapel Street Youth (CHYPS). Big thanks to our intrepid leader Angie, and to Izak for all his filming and editing!


Sunday, 4 December 2022

Christmas crafts

 We've been getting Christmassy over the past couple of Sundays, making Christmas gifts for our family and friends.

Candy cane & chocolate Santa sleighs last week with Jill & Richard, and hot chocolate jars and herb & spice seasoning jars with Carol this morning. 

Blessing of the Backpacks

 Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Blessing of the Backpacks and our first Awesome Time of 2025.