Thursday, 29 September 2022


Meet Lucky!

As you know, we at Christchurch North Methodist Parish sponsor Lucky, through World Vision.

Here is a video Lucky has made for us.

World Vision thanks you for your loving and generous support.  
Please continue to pray for the safety of the children and that this life-changing work will continue for Lucky and all the children and families in Lucky's community in Uganda. 
Thank you for helping to change children’s lives for good. 
Kia tau te rangimārie - Peace be with you.

Sunday, 18 September 2022

Storm Sunday

This week is Storm Sunday

The Bible describes many storms and 'stormy times' Jesus went through. We all know the story about Jesus stilling the storm (Luke 8.22-25) when he was in the boat with the disciples. Jesus calmed the stormy sea. 

In the storms of life, we can know that God is with us. God's loving presence gives us comfort, strength and hope.

I read somewhere that God's love is like an umbrella... just like an umbrella can give us a little shelter and comfort as we go out and brave the weather, God's love helps us to face all the storms of life. 

Jesus wants us to share God's love with others, and be a comfort and strength to people who are going through their own storms.

It reminded me of this book, "Tiny Miss Dott and her Dotty Umbrella", written by Michelle Osment and illustrated by Sarah Nelisiwe Anderson. Miss Dott works at the charity store, just like our very own Dot at the Budget Boutique! When Miss Dott goes to work at the op shop, she takes her umbrella in case it might rain. She leave it outside the door, and while she's inside her umbrella provides much needed shelter to a number of people. 

I hope that we can be like Dott's umbrella, and help give shelter and comfort to those who need it.


Lord, help us to remember; 
that when the winds are wild and clouds are dark, You are with us.
When the lightning flashes and the thunder booms, You are with us.

In the rain and hail and snow and gales, You are with us.
In the crashing waves and swaying trees, You are with us.

When we are frightened, anxious or stressed, You are with us.
When we are upset, angry or confused, You are with us.

Thank You for being our shelter and strength, 
for helping us in times of trouble.

God, help us too to calm storms, 
to bring healing and peace to people 
and all creatures on our planet. 


Friday, 2 September 2022

We Belong

It’s the first Sunday in our Season of Creation, today is Ocean Sunday. Mum and I thought we'd get into the mood by taking a visit to Sumner beach!

The book 'You Belong Here' by MH Clark and illustrated by  Isabelle Arsenault celebrates all the marvellous creatures God created… and reminds me of God’s most incredible and most loved creation - you! 

Our bible reading from Ephesians reminds us that we belong to God. We are loved, cared for, forgiven and encouraged to be more like Jesus. 

It’s not always easy… and of course we sometimes make mistakes. But God never gives up on us and no matter where we go or what we do, God is always with us, loving us - all the time.

The other bible reading this week is about Jesus calling us to go fishing. Appropriate for Ocean Sunday! But, he wasn’t meaning actual fishing for fish… but for people. Jesus wants us to share God’s amazing love with others, so everyone can know that feeling of belonging and know God’s love.


To celebrate the beginning of our Season of Creation celebrations, go for a walk somewhere. It could be your local park, school playground, or you might take a bus to the beach for a stroll along the sand. 

Do something to celebrate and give thanks for that place. You might take a photo, draw a picture in the sand, do some leaf rubbings, collect pinecones or shells, or write a poem. You could even make a message in a bottle!


Awesome God, thank You for stars and starfish, winds and waves and whales and sand. Thank You for all the magnificent and marvellous creatures in our world. Help us to remember that wherever we go, whatever we see and do, we will always belong with You and You will always be with us, loving us no matter what.


Have an awesome week!

Blessing of the Backpacks

 Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Blessing of the Backpacks and our first Awesome Time of 2025.