Friday, 17 September 2021

Spring Challenge!

Just a reminder that there is no Awesome Time, CHYPS or FISH until we are back at Level One.

We are thinking of you all and hoping that it won't be too much longer before we can get together in person.  In the meantime, here's a few fun ways we can keep connected.


We've heard that many of you have been having fun cooking up a storm in the kitchen. We thought it would be fun to gather up all your tried and tested recipes and put together a collection that we can share with one another.

Maybe you've baked biscuits, cooked a casserole, whipped up a dessert, curry or cake. Send us your recipe (and a photo if you like) and any Master Chef tips and tricks. You can either email me, message me on CHYPS Insta, or do it the old fashioned way and pick up the phone!

The recipe could be an old, family recipe, or it might be one you've found online - it doesn't matter. Just tell us where you got it, who made it and what it tasted like! Any interesting or funny stories relating to the recipe would be most welcome too!


We can see many wonders of God as we go out and about Ōtautahi at the moment. I've been really enjoying all the spring flowers on my walks around the neighbourhood, and I'm sure you have too. I thought we could have a 'Signs of Spring' Challenge... so here it is.

Send me your 'Sign of Spring' to be in to win a mystery prize... here are some ideas:

  1. PHOTOGRAPH - you could take a photo of a spring flower/s
  2. ARTWORK - you could paint or draw a Spring-themed picture
  3. POEM - you could write a poem about Spring
  4. FLORAL ART - you could arrange some Spring flowers (send me a photo)
  5. ORIGAMI / PAPER ART - make some origami flowers or paper / cardboard flower (send me a photo)
  6. MOVIE - make a short video of some of the signs of Spring on your neighbourhood walk (less than 1 minute)
  7. MUSIC - play a piece of music or sing a song celebrating Spring

Blessing of the Backpacks

 Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Blessing of the Backpacks and our first Awesome Time of 2025.