Saturday, 21 August 2021

Lockdown Challenges!

Hi there Awesome Kids! 

Hope you are all doing well in your bubbles. Well, here we go again! 

We have a couple of challenges here for you to pick from. Feel free to have a go, and of course if you'd like to, send me photos and we might post a few on the blog.


Create a poster promoting the five ways to wellbeing - lockdown edition.

Connect - Obviously we can't do this in person outside our bubble at the moment, but what other ways could we connect with others? 

Be Active - What physical activity can we do at home? Or perhaps it's a walk or bike ride around our neighbourhood (remembering to mask up and social distance!)

Take Notice - Now is the perfect time to slow down and use our senses to notice the little things.

Keep Learning - Be curious, try something new.

Give - Your time, your words, your aroha. We can still do this with those in our bubble, but what ways can you think of to give to others outside our bubbles, while keeping safe? 


Using the Five Ways to Wellbeing (above) create a 60 second video ad promoting the things you can do during lockdown.

If you want to share your video with the rest of your church family, send it through to me (email, dropbox, google drive or one drive link), or instagram message: chapel_street_youth


This is a really cool challenge, and a chance to have your writing published on a literary website!

It also counts for at least two of the Five Ways to Wellbeing; take notice and keep learning.

Look at the sky. Collect as many 'sky words' as you can. Colours, cloud movement, night, day, patterns. 

Write a poem about the sky.

If you are in school years 1-8, you can enter your poem into the Poetry Box Sky Poem Challenge. Here is the link to the Poetry Box website, where you can find all the info:

 POETRY BOX NZ | Sky Poem Challenge   The deadline for this is 29 August.


Say or write a prayer. 

It can be short or long. It doesn't need to have lots of big words. You can say it out loud, or silently in your head.

You might like to think of something to thank God for. You might like to pray for someone in your family, in your church family, at school, a friend. You might like to pray for Aotearoa, for our leaders, for the doctors and nurses and all the people working hard to keep us safe. You might like to pray for people who don't live in a country as safe as ours. 

Here's an idea to get you started:

Hi God,

I just want to thank you for ......................................

Please help ..............................................................

Please be with ........................................................

Thanks God, for loving me and being with me all of the time.


Monday, 16 August 2021

Carol's feast

 Last Sunday, Carol, Bella and Sophia created some awesome posters, using signs and symbols of the early church.

They also had a feast, just as the early church shared food. Those who gathered together in the early house churches would usually share food together. Often they would remember Jesus' last meal by sharing bread and wine. The leftover food from their communal meals would be gathered and shared with widows and orphans and those who were sick or elderly in the community.

Carol's feast included nuts, raisins, dried apricots, and they also ate chocolate fish (because the fish was a symbol of the early church).

Sunday, 8 August 2021

Use Kind Words

 We heard the story, Being Frank, by Donna W. Earnhardt, illustrated by Andrea Castellani. A boy called Frank learned the hard way that speaking the truth can sometimes be tricky. His grandpa taught him how to speak the truth with kindness and grace... sprinkling his words with a little sugar, rather than too much pepper!

Angie read a verse from Ephesians 4 which taught us God wants us to speak the truth with kindness, and show love and peace to others.

Monica showed us how to draw some cool cartoon characters, with a step by step tutorial. We then made speech bubbles with words of kindness and created some cool comic posters with crazy, colourful backgrounds. You can check them out below in the photos and videos, thanks to our tech wizard, Izak!

Feeding the Crowd

 After hearing the story of the Feeding of the Five Thousand, we pooled our resources and chef skills and baked batches of biscuits to share with the congregation. Even the littlest among us was able to help... proving that 'small' can do great things.

Just like in the bible story, there were lots of leftovers! Those who hung around at the end were happy to 'help' make them disappear.

Thanks to Izak for the video!

Blessing of the Backpacks

 Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Blessing of the Backpacks and our first Awesome Time of 2025.