Sunday, 26 May 2019

National Paper Plane Day!

This morning we learnt about Lydia, who was an EPIC GIRL BOSS in the bible!

Lydia was the first European Christian, a successful businesswoman, head of her household, a person of great faith, and a great listener.

We also made purple paper plane prayers, which we launched into the congregation.

Thanks to MaTCH for another awesome video:

Saturday, 25 May 2019

Blow Painting

Here's another fabulous video from MaTCH, our Media & Tech team at the CHapel Street Centre.

Watch our Awesome Kids have fun creating blow paint art, representing God's amazing love poured out for everyone. We are all different, but God loves everyone the same.

Tuesday, 21 May 2019

Our House

On Sunday, our Awesome Kids acted out the fabulous story Our House, by Michael Rosen.

George (Izak) was in the house. He wouldn't let any of the other children play in the house. "This house isn't for girls," he said. "This house isn't for twins, or people with glasses, or small people, or people who like tunnels." So selfish!

But, when George had to go away (to go to the toilet), everyone piled on into the house! When George came back, he was not happy!

Luckily, our story had a happy ending, and George came to realise that his house was "Our House", and it was for girls, boys, small people, big people, people with glasses, people who like tunnels... because this house was for everyone!

The story from the bible today was the story of the Samaritan Woman at the Well. This is a story about a woman who was not very popular. She was so unpopular that she came to the well to get water in the middle of the day when she thought no one else would be there to say mean things to her or call her names. People thought she was a real loser.

But, Jesus was at the well and talked with her, even though other people thought he shouldn't bother. Jesus treated her with respect and kindness - nobody treated her that way! 

Jesus asked the woman for a drink of water. He told her it takes more than food and water to make us feel "alive". Jesus says what keeps him "alive" is loving like God loves. 

In this story, this is about making friends with a real outsider, and making her feel really different, really good, about herself. 

Jesus wants us to share God's love with everyone, and remember that although every one of us is different, God loves each one of us the same. God's awesome living love is poured out for everyone, making us all feel "alive"!

Monday, 20 May 2019

Giant Pictionary and Scavenger Hunting

Check out the photos from last FISH night, in May. We enjoyed giant pictionary, blind dodgeball and steal the keys... as well as a scavenger hunt that had our team looking for everything from something shiny, a beautiful sound... to a car tyre!

Friday, 17 May 2019

Five Little Speckled Frogs

Well, here are 3 of those 5 Little Speckled Frogs we had at Musikool Kids this morning! We had no shortage of volunteers to don these cute froggie outfits, which were made especially for us by the lovely Marie D.

Five little speckled frogs
sitting upon a log
eating a most delicious bug...
Yum! Yum!
One jumped into a pool
Where it was nice and cool
Then there were 4 green speckled frogs.

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Who am I?

On 5 May our story was about a guy who was the biggest bully on the block. Amazingly, he was turned into a leader of the church, by Jesus. 

It was a story of incredible change... and forgiveness.

We also talked about names, and our Awesome Kids played a 'Guess Who' name-band game.

Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Capture the Flag at CHYPS

Calling all YOUTH in school years 7 to 13...

Join us this Saturday night at CHYPS
Chapel Street Young People's Youth Group

Start time: 6.30pm
Pick up time: 8pm
Cost: $2

Bring a friend!
There will be prizes!

Monday, 13 May 2019

Celebrating Special People

On Sunday, Mother's Day, we celebrated those special people in our lives - parents, grandparents,  step-parents, foster parents, aunts, uncles, caregivers, church leaders - all those people who have been there for us, loving us, guiding us and helping us along the way.

We put together some little gift baskets to say thank-you and handed them out at the end of the church service. You can watch a video of this, courtesy of MaTCH (Media and Tech @ Chapel Street).

Here is the prayer which was so beautifully led by Angie and Peatalisa:

Loving God,

No family is perfect... we have good days and bad days, joys and sorrows, fun times and bad arguments. Help me to shine Your light into my family. Help us to forgive quickly, and LOVE strongly.

Remind us that every believer in Christ is part of my family. They are my brothers and sisters through You. Help us to grab opportunities to show love to others, to brighten others' days and to help them in any way we can.

Thank you for our families, our church family, and the special people in our lives, who love us.


Blessing of the Backpacks

 Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Blessing of the Backpacks and our first Awesome Time of 2025.