Friday, 24 November 2017

It's happening... 10th December

Sunday 10 December 10am

The Awesome Kids and Chapel Street Youth invite you to join us for an All Age Christmas Service including our Nativity Play and the much anticipated screening of our 2017 Christmas video!

Have you noticed that unusually bright star twinkling in the night sky?

Mary, Joseph and Daniella the Donkey are on their way, the shepherds are rounding up their sheep, the wise men (and wise woman) have dusted off their cloaks and the angels have polished their halos and are ready to go! The innkeepers have fresh sheets on the beds, but you'd better arrive early as Bethlehem's filling up fast.

See you at the Chapel Street Centre 10th December at 10am.

It's going to be epic!

Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Great Advertisement, Caleb!

Last week we wrapped up our filming for the Christmas movie... and started working on advertising! Check out the cool poster Caleb made! He put it on a post in the neighbourhood - great job Caleb!


Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Last chance to be a movie star!

We had a fantastic time last Sunday, shooting scenes for this year's Christmas movie. It's not too late to be part of the fun, as we're doing a catch-up shoot this Sunday. If you are a child, teen or young adult and you'd like to be part of the 2017 Christmas Movie, turn up on Sunday at 10am - or have a chat to Mel beforehand if you have any questions. ALL WELCOME! See you there!

Friday, 10 November 2017

Chapel Street presents...

The Awesome Kids, Musikool Kids and Chapel Street Youth are busy preparing for Christmas! Filming is underway for this year's Christmas Movie, which will premiere at the Chapel Street Centre on Sunday 10 December, during our Nativity Play and Christmas Service.

Be a Bucket Filler

 What is bucket filling?

Imagine that we all carry an invisible bucket, in which we keep our good thoughts and feelings. When our buckets are full, we are happy. When they are empty, we are sad.

It is important to know that we can fill our own bucket, and so can others. We can also dip into it.

"Bucket Fillers" are those who help without being asked, give HUGS and compliments, and spread love and good feelings to others. People who dip into our buckets, often rob us of happy feelings by refusing to help, or saying mean things.

Let's all be bucket fillers and spread God's love, by caring, sharing and giving to others.

Blessing of the Backpacks

 Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Blessing of the Backpacks and our first Awesome Time of 2025.